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Cylinder Gauge Issues

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I am trying to generate a cylinder gauge and its not working. I believe we have the older version. But I do have sample examples and I am generating the exact same xml. But its only rendering half cylinder. Can someone tell me why?




This is the xml I am generating




< Chart bgColor="FFFFFF" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" cylColor="999999" baseFontColor="999999" decimalPrecision="0" numberSuffix="%">


< value>25 value>






And this matches the sample xml in the examples which is


< chart bgColor="FFFFFF" upperLimit="1000" lowerLimit="0" cylColor="999999" baseFontColor="999999" numberSuffix="mm" decimalPrecision="0">


< value>320 value>






Please help. Thank you.

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Guest Madhumita

Hello fg,

Could you please post your code as an attachment?

Awaiting your reply.

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fq (1/6/2010)
I am trying to generate a cylinder gauge and its not working. I believe we have the older version. But I do have sample examples and I am generating the exact same xml. But its only rendering half cylinder. Can someone tell me why?




This is the xml I am generating




< Chart bgColor="FFFFFF" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" cylColor="999999" baseFontColor="999999" decimalPrecision="0" numberSuffix="%">


< value>25 value>






And this matches the sample xml in the examples which is


< chart bgColor="FFFFFF" upperLimit="1000" lowerLimit="0" cylColor="999999" baseFontColor="999999" numberSuffix="mm" decimalPrecision="0">


< value>320 value>






Please help. Thank you.

I edited my first post also and the xml is now visible. Didn't see that yesterday.


NOTE: The spaces in the XML are there to make it visible here. In the actual code there are no spaces so that's not the issue.






And this is my code in VB.NET




Private Sub CreateXML(ByVal FinalValue As Double)


ms = New MemoryStream




' Create a new XmlTextWriter instance


xWriter = New XmlTextWriter(ms, Encoding.UTF8)






xWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented




' Write the beginning of the document including the document declaration. Standalone is true.








'xWriter.WriteAttributeString("bgColor", "008B00")


xWriter.WriteAttributeString("lowerLimit", "0")


xWriter.WriteAttributeString("upperLimit", "100")


xWriter.WriteAttributeString("cylColor", "999999")


xWriter.WriteAttributeString("baseFontColor", "999999")


xWriter.WriteAttributeString("decimalPrecision", "0")


xWriter.WriteAttributeString("numberSuffix", "%")


'xWriter.WriteAttributeString("showValue", "1")


'xWriter.WriteAttributeString("numberSuffix", "%")




xWriter.WriteElementString("value", FinalValue)




' End the "Chart" root element.






' End the document






xWriter.Flush() ' Flush the document out to file


ms.Position = 0 ' Set the memory streams pointer to the start


sr = New StreamReader(ms) ' Read the memory stream


sXMLFile = sr.ReadToEnd() ' Copy to string from the memory stream










ms = Nothing


End Sub

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I am saving the XML to a file and setting the dataurl to that file. I got the angular gauges working fine. I can't get the cylinder to work. Only half a cylinder is visible.




You can view the cylinder here




I also had another question. I was rendering XML as output to the browser and the charts didn't work that way. So as an alternate solution I am saving the xml to a file and using that for the charts. Is that the only way to do it?

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I tried the width and the height and it still doesn't work. I only see a quarter of the cylinder only. I increased the width and height to about 1000 also and I still see the same quarter of the chart.

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Guest Madhumita


When you are using HTML embedding to render the chart please use the code below:

Ref. -

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="900" height="300" id="FI2_Cylinder.swf" >

 <param name="movie" value="FI2_Cylinder.swf" />

 <param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=FusionReports1_CylinderGauge_63323.xml&chartWidth=900&chartHeight=700">

 <param name="quality" value="high" />

 <embed srcFI2_Cylinder.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=FusionReports1_CylinderGauge_63323.xml&chartWidth=900&chartHeight=700" quality="high" width="900" height="700" name="FI2_Cylinder" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />


Also, if you are using ASP.Net for the application, you can consider using our ASP Class to render the chart.

Ref. -

Looking forward to your reply. :D

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Still not working. I tried the code you gave me and it still is displaying a small portion of the cylinder. I also tried the Thermometer gauge and it's doing the same thing.

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Guest Madhumita


Could you please attach the entire code you have used for rendering the chart as well as the html file?

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I am attaching the HTML code and the code behind of the aspx page. Please look into it and let me know what's wrong.




Thank you.

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Guest Madhumita


In your code, change the following:

cylinder_gauge_output.aspx - Line 14, Col99:

Change height="85" to your desired widget height. e.g. height="300"

1_CylinderGauge_63323.xml - Line 2 Col119:

Change  cylHeight="1000"  to a desirable value that is slightly lesser than the above "height". e.g. cylHeight="200".

Hope this helps. :D

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Guest Madhumita


I am glad that it is working now.

I will definitely check for the thermometer gauge and let you know as soon as possible.

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Guest Madhumita


In thermometer_gauge_output.aspx Line 14 Col 90 , please change the width and height to a larger value. e.g. height='300'.

Hope this helps. :D

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Guest Madhumita


Could you please try embedding the chart with a height of 400?

The change should be made in the code below:

<center><embed src="FI2_Thermometer.swf" flashvars="&dataURL=<%=FileName %>" width="300" height="400" .....

Hope this helps.

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I have another question though. If you watch the chart here its actually quite big. What we want to do is to put these charts as small widgets on a page. So how do I reduce the overall size of this chart? If I reduce the height/width I am losing the chart. Thank you.

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Guest Madhumita


You are most welcome.

I am glad that I could help you.

If you wish to change the chart dimensions you also need to change/reduce the cylinder height for cylinder gauge to accommodate it in the chart area. Also for the thermometer gauge, you need to reduce the height of the thermometer and the bulb.

Also, if you do not specify the dimensions of the gauges inside the XML, the chart will accommodate the gauges with the chart dimensions provided.

If you require further help on this please revert.

Edited by Guest

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