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Suggestions for long labels

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I would like to have some suggestions. I have searched the forum and the KB and I understand now that there's a difficulty mixing long labels with the pie3d. I might be able eventually to truncate these long labels, but before proposing that to the organization I work for, I would like to see if anyone have any suggestion on how to approach/manage long labels and the pie3d.

(I'm thinking about showing them under the pie while hovering my mouse over the pieces of the chart, but seeing only one at a time. Is that possible?)

Thanks in advance,


PS : The pie3d is actually w=460 h=150

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You can use the following options:

  1. Hide the labels on chart - and when user moves his mouse over each pie, it will show as tooltip.
  2. Hide the labels on chart - and use the FusionCharts grid component to display legend alongside the chart.

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