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Chart and AJAX

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Hi again!


when I add an update panel to the chart doesn't display any more. I just get the text: 'Chart.' when the chart is rendered inside the panel and nothing at all when I place it outside of the panel.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Guest Rajroop


Could you please try using renderChartHTML() for this and try again?


Could you please use the link below to download the sample(s) of FusionCharts ASP.NET.AJAX using Update Panel, and see if it helps in a greater understanding of the situation at hand?


In case, this does not work for you, could you please send us your code snippet for our debugging purposes?

I hope this helps.

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Thank you. I am using a literal control and I was setting the text with renderchart instead of rendercharthtml. I am still unsure of the difference between the two.


But...the chart now shows up over the top of my progresspanel. I have all of the page contents inside of a div and basically 'gray out' those contents when the progress is running.


Is there a way to render the chart div inside of that parent div?

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Guest Rajroop

Hi there,

The difference between renderChart and renderChartHTML is that, renderChart embeds JavaScript tag which calls the FusionCharts method that is in FusionCharts.js. By using the JavaScript you don't get the message "click to activate" if used in IE. Where as renderChartHTML just embeded the Charts using the <Object> tag. Only the renderChart method requires the FusionCharts.js.

As of your latter query, could you please check the following Forum post?


I hope this helps. :cool:

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Thank you. I checked the post and downloaded the file that was posted there and added it to my page. I am still unsure of how to set the z-order that renders the chart, since I set the text of the literal control to the chart. Also, I am not sure how to do this:




if you are using: "FusionCharts.js" library just call:










in the code behind.


Thanks for your help.

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Guest Madhumita


wMode stands for window mode .

 Window mode can be opaque/transparent/window.

 By default fusioncharts runs in wmode=window. In this mode, the chart/swf object is NOT part of the HTML block layout.

 It is equivalent to CSS position: absolute, z-index: infinite. Hence no other HTML element caan render above it.


In case of wmode = opaque or transparent it is part of block layout and is equivalent to display: block 

and no z-index specified. 

The diff between opaque and transparent is that in case of opaque one cannot see HTML elements BEHIND the chart and for transparent one can see HTML elements behind the chart.

  settransparent(null) ----> wmode: window 

  settransparent(true)----->wmode: transparent 

  settransparent(false)-----> wmode: opaque 

I hope this helps you. :D

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Madhumita (1/20/2010)




wMode stands for window mode.


Window mode can be opaque/transparent/window.


By default fusioncharts runs in wmode=window. In this mode, the chart/swf object is NOT part of the HTML block layout.


It is equivalent to CSS position: absolute, z-index: infinite.Hence no other HTML element caan render above it.




In case of wmode = opaque or transparent it is part of block layout and is equivalent to display: block


and no z-index specified.


The diff between opaque and transparent is that in case of opaque one cannot see HTML elements BEHIND the chart and for transparent one can see HTML elements behind the chart.


settransparent(null)----> wmode: window


settransparent(true)----->wmode: transparent


settransparent(false)-----> wmode: opaque




I hope this helps you. :D




Hello...I know its been a little while on this, I got sidetracked on something else. Here is how I render the chart:




litChart.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/StackedColumn3D.swf", "", xml.ToString(), "Sales", "800", "300", False)




I'm sorry to seem a little daft...but I cannot figure out how to set the z-index or settransparent(true) in my code. 'litChart' is a literal control.


Thanks for your help.

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Guest Madhumita


To set the chart in transparent mode please use the following code:

FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML(chartSWF, strURL, strXML,chartId,chartWidth, chartWidth, debugMode,registerWithJS,transparent,scaleMode,bgColor,language);

The parameter 'transparent' (Boolean) ensures whether the the chart should have a transparent background in HTML page. Optional Property.




Please also ensure that you are using the latest FusionCharts.dll file.

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