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Non overlapping labels in vline

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I have a requirement where i need to show certain vlines in the charts with the labels of them non overlapping with each other. currently they start to overlap each other when the interval among the x axis points are getting closer.




How to overcome this issue, suggestions on any work-around is also appreciable.

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Guest Madhumita


You can consider showing the vLine labels on top and bottom alternately which will solve a greater part of your issue.

Please consider using the following attributes on the <chart> element for this:

1.labelPosition  (0-1) ---> Position of the label (ranging from top of canvas to bottom)

2.labelHAlign  (left, center or right)--->  Horizontal anchor point for vLine label

3.labelVAlign  (top, middle or bottom) ---> Vertical anchor point for vLine label


Also, you can choose not to use the label border by setting showLabelBorder='0' in the chart element.

ref. -

I hope this helps you.

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