
Authentication needed when using https / ssl

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I am using FusionCharts in a website that supports both http and https.  When using http, everything works great and the data loads immediately.  When using https, I always get prompted for authentication.  This is the screen that I get:


This is the code I use when running in the https environment.

<OBJECT classid="clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="chartR1C1" WIDTH="440" HEIGHT="340" codebase=",0,65,0">
<PARAM NAME="movie" value="https://cyclone/Reports/Charts/MSCombiDY2D.swf">
<PARAM NAME="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=https://cyclone/Reports/Data%2Easpx%3Fkey=USR_LOGD_IN_CNT_AXS%26filter=!Ft[(DP=day)(NBR=14)]!">
<PARAM NAME="quality" value="high">
<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF">

In the regular http environment, I generate the same code except that all the https is replaced with http.

Also, I do have ajax code to dynamically change the data in the charts.  They work regardless of the protocol (http / https) and do not force / prompt for authentication when https is used.

Has anyone else experienced this same problem?


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I'm pretty sure it's not caused by FusionCharts - as the charts are simple SWF files which get downloaded to the client. It might be a setting on your server which is providing this authentication method.

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