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Hiding points on multiline graph

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I'm trying to graph performance of a number of managed funds, which are only priced on certain days, and those days vary. I have set up a graph with a category for each day in the timeframe I am looking at, but I need a way for certain datasets to not plot a point for certain categories. The line should just continue from the previous point to the next point.




I have tried using showvalue='0' but that doesn't hide the point. I'm not sure what it does, if anything. The graph will not draw unless I set a value for every category.




I've attached a picture of what the graph looks like. The points I want ignored at set at a value of 1. I want the line to just connect the points that are not equal to one.




I hope I've made this clear enough. Restricting the number of values to only exactly the number of categories is a major disadvantage with this software and I hope there is some way around it.




Note: this sample has each fund with data at the same point, so could be done with fewer categories to solve my problem. I realise that. However, this is not always the case, sometimes one fund will have data for different days to another.


Edited by Guest

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