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Print Issue in MAC OSX 10.6.5 and Firefox 3.0

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We are using fusion charts to show some bar graphs on a ASP website. They all render well in all the browsers but seem to have issues while printing (using browser print option) in Firefox browser

Specifically there are two issues -

1. Charts do not print at all in Firefox 3.0 on MAC OSX 10.6.5 version. All I see is a blank space on the area of the paper where chart is supposed to get printed.

2. Charts get truncated on the right in firefox 3.x version for Windows. Was able to achieve some success by reducing the width. (Not the most satisfactory solution but works for me temporarily)


Can somebody please point me towards some work arounds for these issues (especially the issue#1)?



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Hi Harish,




As for problem #1, currently Firefox doesn't print any Flash movies from browser's print command on Mac. So, you'll either have to use the print API of chart or right click menu. We're currently trying to find alternatives that could fix this.




As for #2, if you have a chart at specific size, you can just recompile it at that width/height and it'll print fine.

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Thanks a lot Pallav.

A little dissappointed to know that there are no work arounds for MAC FF print issue. I was also considering the option of converting the chart to an image on the server side and displaying it on the web page. Is it possible at all to do that in ASP? I could not see any export handlers for ASP.

Also, for Windows FF print issue - I did not find any .fla files. We have a site license which means we do not have the .fla files. So I guess there is no other way for me to recompile them with a specified height/width..Right??



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#1 This is a Safari and Firefox issue, not FusionChart.

I had the same issue, so to solve it I used the "ExportChart" feature to save a copy to the server. This is done once the chart loads on the clients browser. It cannot render otherwise.

If the user wants to print the charts, a seperate popup window is envoked and the images are loaded instead of the Flash Chart.

#2 I also had the scale issue, so i set it to noScale.

Edited by Guest

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Steve,

Thanks for sharing your idea.

Happy FusionCharting. :)

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