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loading FusionCharts inside other Flash with external XML file

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Hi all,


I was browsing through the documentation and in this page you describe a scenario I need to do (load charts inside a flash movie) but you pass XML data only inside the movie's actionscript (using var strXML:String etc). I was wondering, is it possible to have a flash movie load the fusion chart inside it and take all XML data from an external .xml file? I see this is done in other scenarios where fusionchart swfs are embedded in HTML pages, but it's not mentioned here and I can't see how a path to the .xml file can be inserted in the actionscript instead of the actual xml data using var strXML:String. Thanks.

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You can always load and pass valid XML to a chart em,bedded in a Flash movie.

All you need to do is to use the XML.load()

Please find the attached sample code :

All you need to do is:


//use XML object  to load external XML

// when done (onLoad event) render the chart using this XML)

var xmlData:XML = new XML();

// define event handler for XML object

// this calls a functrion when the external XML gets loaded in XML object.

// renderChart() function will be called

xmlData.onLoad = function(success) {




// load external XML


function renderChart(xmlData){

var myFirstChart:Column3DChart = new Column3DChart(chartContainerMC, 1, 450, 325, 20, 15, false, "EN", "noScale");




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