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Problem with Server Side Export to PNG

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Hi guys,

I've posted previously about this issue but I havn't had any responses from the FusionCharts team for a while. Okay, here is my issue (again). I am trying to automatically save a rendered chart to a png on the server-side but it's not working. I can right click on the chart and select Save as PNG (or any of the other formats and they work perfectly) and the image (or file) gets saved to the folder I have specified in the FCExporter.php file. It's the automatic export/save to PNG on the server-side that is not working.

I am attaching some sample data and code (including my FCExporter.php file) in the zip files. I would appreciate a response as soon as you can.


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Your code has defined a chart DOMId with the same name as the JavaScript object of the chart ...myChart.




Though I am not aware of what exactly 'is not working' but I guess, you can try either :




a) once setting different name for chart DOMId and chart JS object.








;) replace chartObject = getChartFromId('myChart'); with chartObject = document.getElementById('myChart');




Hope this helps.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Glad that your issue is resolved.

Happy FusionCharting. ;)

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