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remove the line of text which between x-axis and the x-axis name

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I am using RealTimeStackedArea2D.swf to show a book sale statistics indicating how many books are saled in different monthes.

The graph is showed correctly. However, there is a strange line of text which is located between the x-axis labels (Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May.....Dec)and x-axis name (Month). The line looks like

Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May Jun  July Aug  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec  <-- x-axis labels
$0, $1, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0,$0,....$0 <-----strange line
			   Month		 <------   x-axis Name
			 Legend block

I do not know the meaning of the line and how to remove it.


By the way, I wonder what's the difference between  RealTimeStackedArea2D and StackedArea2D


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


The graph is showed correctly. However, there is a strange line of text which is located between the x-axis labels (Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May.....Dec)and x-axis name (Month).

The value that is been displayed in between the datalabels and legends is actually the latest updated value with which the chart is getting updated. The number of this updated values depends on the numder of the catagory name that you are using.

In case you wish not to display the updated values, please try setting the attribute "showRealTimeValue" in the <chart> element to '0'.

For further details on the same, please refer to the links mentioned below:-



Stacked Charts

Stacked charts, like stacked column, area etc., are used to compare cumulative or grouped data. e.g., monthly summary of sales on a chart. Say if we wanted to show which part of revenue came from products and which part from services, we can use the stacked column chart easily to depict the data. Each month would represent a data column and the column would be divided into two parts- one representing service and the other product.



Real-time Charts

Real-time charts are those charts which automatically update themselves every n seconds by getting new data from server, but not involving any page refreshes. The chart initializes itself, loads new data every n seconds and silently updates itself to reflect the current state of data.

Potential uses of these charts are in:

  • Network monitoring applications
  • Stock/finance monitoring applications
  • Manufacturing process indicators
  • any other place where a continuous check of application/mechanism state is to be maintained


I hope this helps. ;)

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Thanks you, Basundhara Ghosal, for your kind help.

furthermore, i would like to know if RealTimeStackedArea2D and StackedArea2D is interchangible without  modifying those attributes for <chart .....>. My experiment showed that it they are not. I am not sure.


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Thanks for your kind words.

RealTimeStackedArea2D chart is a chart of FusionWidgets pack and the swf file used to render this chart is RealTimeStackedAread.swf(FusionWidgets pack -> charts folder -> RealtimeStackedArea.swf) file whereas the Stacked Aread Chart is a chart of FusionCharts pack and the swf file used in this case is StackedArea2D.swf file(FusionCharts pack -> Charts folder -> StackedArea2D.swf).

So in case you wish to change your chart type from Stacked Area Chart to Realtime Stacked Area chart or vice-versa, you nedd to change the swf file along with XML attributes that are specific for the respective charts.

I hope this helps. ;)

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