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ASP Class Question

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We just purchased V3, and we are currently using the Fusion Charts Free.




We are using these charts currently in a Classic ASP pages. I want to upgrade my existing charts.




Right now I have my flash files for Fusion charts free stored in "FusionCharts"








That way anywhere on this server I can reverence /Fusioncharts/ and I only keep one set of files. I have many little miny web apps in seperate folders on this server.




I was going to try and use the asp class instead.




If i Put a class folder in intranetwwwrootFusionChartsClass it does not like that when I include this in my page.




Does anyone have any recommendations on how I should set this up.




I cant remove all my free charts because it will take a while to reprogram them to use the v3 version.




Thanks for your help

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I figured out I have to change the way i include the class.




#include file="/FusionCharts/Class/FusionCharts_Gen.asp"

#include virtual="/FusionCharts/Class/FusionCharts_Gen.asp"




My next question is, are there any examples on how to use the class to create multi series charts from a database.




The way I was doing it in the free version was (I cut out some of the code)


strXML = "graph caption='[REPLACE_WITH_NAME]' PYAxisName='CPH' SYAxisName='Accuracy'  subCaption='Trend Report' xAxisName='Month' hovercapbg='FFECAA' hovercapborder='F47E00' "

strXML = strXML & "formatNumberScale='0' decimalPrecision='1' showvalues='0' animation='1' numdivlines='9' numVdivlines='22' "

strXML = strXML & "lineThickness='3' rotateNames='1' PYAxisMaxValue='50' PYAxisMinValue='0' SYAxisMaxValue='100' SYAxisMinValue='0' showShadow='0'>"


strXML_CPH_dataset = strXML_CPH_dataset & "
strXML_CPH_dataset = strXML_CPH_dataset & "parentYAxis='P'"

strXML_CPH_dataset = strXML_CPH_dataset & ">"


strXML_Accuracy_dataset = strXML_Accuracy_dataset & "
strXML_Accuracy_dataset = strXML_Accuracy_dataset & "alpha='100' anchorAlpha='100' anchorRadius='4' lineThickness='2' parentYAxis='S'"

strXML_Accuracy_dataset = strXML_Accuracy_dataset & ">"


Do until RS.EOF

	strXML_categories = strXML_categories & ""

	If variMinutesAtWork > 0 Then

		strXML_CPH_dataset = strXML_CPH_dataset & ""	


		strXML_CPH_dataset = strXML_CPH_dataset & ""		

	End If

	If NOT isnull(varCoding_Out_Of_Total) Then

		strXML_Accuracy_dataset = strXML_Accuracy_dataset & ""	


		strXML_Accuracy_dataset = strXML_Accuracy_dataset & ""		

	End If



strXML = strXML & strXML_categories & strXML_CPH_dataset & strXML_Accuracy_dataset

strXML = strXML & "/graph>"

Edited by Guest

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