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Bars in chart - IE issue

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In my bar chart, I can't see the bars in chart in IE. They are very well visible in Mozilla and Safari.


What can be the issue?




Here is the difference in IE and Safari.





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Hi.. here is the code, which is in a user control, and I am displaying the chart on parent page in Iframe.


Client side










server side code in GetChart() function


StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();


StringBuilder Dates = new StringBuilder();


StringBuilder Distance_s = new StringBuilder();


StringBuilder Points_s = new StringBuilder();


StringBuilder PEI_s = new StringBuilder();


StringBuilder Score_s = new StringBuilder();


StringBuilder Average_s = new StringBuilder();


xmlData.Append("< chart bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF' showBorder='0' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='save' exportHandler='" + GolfConfiguration.SitePath + "FusionCharts/ExportHandlers/ASP_Net/FCExporter.aspx' exportFileName ='mansi' > ");




//Initialize < categories > element - necessary to generate a multi-series chart


Dates.Append("< categories >");


//Initiate < dataset > elements


Average_s.Append("< dataset seriesName='" + Resources.WebResource.BallTest_Average.ToString() + "' >");


PEI_s.Append("< dataset seriesName='PEI' >");


Points_s.Append("< dataset seriesName='" + Resources.WebResource.BallTest_Points.ToString() + "' >");


Score_s.Append("< dataset seriesName='" + Resources.WebResource.BallTest_Score.ToString() + "' >");




for (int i = 0; i < arrData.GetLength(0); i++)




//Append < category name='...' / > to strCategories


Dates.AppendFormat("< category name='{0}' / >", arrData[i, 0]);


Average_s.AppendFormat("< set tooltext='" + Resources.WebResource.BallTest_Average.ToString() + ", " + arrData[i,1] + "' value='{0}' / >", arrData[i, 1].ToString().Replace(",", "."));


PEI_s.AppendFormat("< set tooltext='PEI, " + arrData[i, 2] + "' value='{0}' / >", arrData[i, 2].ToString().Replace(",", "."));


Points_s.AppendFormat("< set tooltext='" + Resources.WebResource.BallTest_Points.ToString() + ", " + arrData[i, 3] + "' value='{0}' / >", arrData[i, 3].ToString().Replace(",", "."));


Score_s.AppendFormat("< set tooltext='" + Resources.WebResource.BallTest_Score.ToString() + ", " + arrData[i, 4] + "' value='{0}' / >", arrData[i, 4].ToString().Replace(",", "."));




//Close < categories > element


Dates.Append("< /categories >");


//Close < dataset > elements


Average_s.Append("< /dataset >");


PEI_s.Append("< /dataset >");


Points_s.Append("< /dataset >");


Score_s.Append("< /dataset >");


Average_s.Append("< styles >< definition > < style name='myLegendFont' type='font' bold='1' / >");


Average_s.Append("< /definition > < application > < apply toObject='Legend' styles='myLegendFont' / >< /application >< /styles >");


//Assemble the entire XML now












xmlData.Append("< /chart >");


xmlDATA = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/MSColumn3D.swf", "myChartId", xmlData.ToString(), "BallTest", "700", "400", false, true, true);


return xmlDATA;

Edited by Guest

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Mansi,

Could you please send us the HTML code that you are using for the same as an attachment?

Awaiting your reply.

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Here is the html code in parent aspx page, in which there is an iframe, which loads the chart.




< iframe id="iFrm" runat="server" height="440px" width="720px" >< /iframe >




And by passing some parameters to the chart user control, I am loading it in iframe by setting the src attribute in code behind.




iFrm.Attributes.Add("src", "../charts/GolfBallTestChart.aspx?PlayerID=" & GolfSession.UserID & "&TestDate=" & dt)




And in Chart user control as said in earlier post, there is a division.




< div id="dvChart" runat="server" >


< %=GetChart()% >


< /div >

Edited by Guest

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I just observed that, this issue arises only in MSColumn3D.swf, when i changed it to MSCombi2D.swf, it works proper.


And also it seems the issue is only with FusionCharts v3, not with free charts.




How can I solve the issue in MSColumn3D.swf ?

Edited by Guest

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Guest Rajroop

Hey Mansi,




We tested out the link in IE and Firefox. For some reason we could not replicate this issue. Please refer to the attachment for more on this.




We are running a few tests on this. Could you please send us your code snippet at [email protected] , for this? This would help considerably in coming to the solution for this issue.




P.s. Please include a reference to this thread in your mail.




Thanks for your patience in this matter.


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