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Chart Area Border Not Present When Exported

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It seems, by default, the chart area is bordered by a shadowed grey edge - when the chart is exported to an image, the border disappears.

I tried setting the showBorder to true, but this manages the border of the chart object - is it possible to either include the chart area border when exporting or to switch it on/control it so that it will be present in exported images?



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Setting showBorder to 1 sets the chart object border NOT the chart area border, i.e. what shows as the axes for the chart.

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Hi Martin,

Setting showBorder to 1 sets the chart object border NOT the chart area border, i.e. what shows as the axes for the chart.

Could you please try using the attribute canvasBorderColor='ff0000' in the <chart> element to get a border around the canvas?


Also, you can adjust the thickness and transparency of the canvas border with the attributes canvasBorderThicness and canvasBorderAlpha in the <chart> element.


Hope this helps. :)

Edited by Guest

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