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Spacing and Y axis values

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How do I add some spacing between the total shipments value and the total charges values ? Sometimes they overlap and it is hard to read.

Also, instead of showing 6K, 8, 10K, etc., in the primary Y axis, how can I change it to show 6,000.....8,000.....10,000....etc. ? Similiar to the way the secondary Y axis is displayed.


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


How do I add some spacing between the total shipments value and the total charges values ? Sometimes they overlap and it is hard to read.

As the datavalues that you are mentioning are very close to each other, they are getting overlapped while displaying. In case you wish to avoid the same, please try setting the value of the attribute "showvalues" to '0'.

Also, instead of showing 6K, 8, 10K, etc., in the primary Y axis, how can I change it to show 6,000.....8,000.....10,000....etc. ? Similiar to the way the secondary Y axis is displayed.

Please try setting the value of the attribute "formatNumberScale" in the <chart> element to '0'.

Hope this helps. :)

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I used formatnumberscale='0' and the output now displays, properly, 10,000 instead of 10K.

When I use showvalues='0' to try and fix the spacing problem, all that did was eliminate the data output from the chart, which is not what I want. I still want to display the data output on the chart, but I would like to add a little space between the values because they sometimes overlap. Is that even possible ?


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Glad that your previous issue is resolved.

but I would like to add a little space between the values

I am afraid, as of now, FusionCharts does not support this.

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