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ToolText on DataLabels?

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I am trying to attach a tooltip to a data label. In the documentation, it describes an attribute on the category element called toolText. This seems to not work. I also tried to add an anchor tag using the title attribute (also set isHtml='1' in the styles section). This also did not work. Any ideas?

Edited by Guest

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)

Please look for your solution below:

I am trying to attach a tooltip to a data label. In the documentation, it describes an attribute on the category element called toolText. This seems to not work.


A tool-tip is shown when the mouse is hovered over a particular data point.

It shows the following information:

Single series chart (except pie & doughnut): Name & value

Pie & Doughnut: Name & value/percentage

Multi-series & combination chart: Series Name, Category Name, Data Value

But, if you want to display more information (string data) for the data item as tool tip, the attribute "toolText" is used in the <set> element to specify the same.


I am afraid, the tooltip does not work for "datalabels". It works on the chart by default, if not disabled (manually), as of now. :)

I also tried to add an anchor tag using the title attribute (also set isHtml='1' in the styles section). This also did not work.


Please refer to the attached XML file format for solving your purpose.

In case you are using the setDataURL method to render your chart, please try using the XML format attached. If you are using the setDataXML method, please try replacing the "&" with "%26".

Hope this helps. :)


Edited by Guest

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