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Line Chart - Multiple values for one Set

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I can see form the Line chart XML API that the labelStep could be used to skip every n(th) X-axis label in the chart. Is there an option to display every n(th) label. If there is less data i would like to display all labels but if there is too much data to display i would like to show only every 10th or 20th label.





Edited by Guest

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Is there an option to display every n(th) label. If there is less data i would like to display all labels but if there is too much data to display i would like to show only every 10th or 20th label.

In FusionCharts, by default, all the labels are displayed on the chart.


However, if you've a set of streaming data (like name of months or days of week), you can opt to hide every n-th label for better clarity using the attribute "labelStep" in the <chart> element.


This attributes just allows to skip every n(th) X-axis label. The value for the attribute "labelStep" needs to be mentioned (manually) in the XML.

Ref.- <chart ... labelStep='10'>

Hope this helps. :)

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