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Category text is truncated when line break is used

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In fusionchart v3, we use MSColumn3DLineDY chart to display the multi series chart. But sometimes the category text is truncated when line break is given to the text. Category text does show with line break when the number of bars coming in the chart object is greater than 3. But when there is only one bar coming in the chart obejct, then the category text is truncated to the point where line break is given. Kindly advice

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Hey Arun,

The FusionCharts Forum welcomes you! :( 

While I do get the idea of what you are talking about here, I would be really grateful if you could provide me/us with a screen-shot of the issue you are facing here. Also, in your reply, please do insert the XML used for the chart in concern here.

I'll be looking forward to your return to this.

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Hi Team,


Thank you for your quick response.I have attached the screenshot of the chart and xml. I have created two screenshots explaining the different behavior of charts with different data. Please examine the screenshot and data xml files and send us your feedback




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