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Impact on server

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I'm currently planning an application that will handle around 1000 of my users at any one time.




Graphing will be an important aspect - and so I am evaluating fusion charts. Although we are a non profit, we will of course be buying the full version (I'm using the fusionfree to evaluate)




Understandably, although I am running on a dedicated box (mainly cms/forum traffic)- I can't help but wonder of the impact that will be caused by people playing with there graphs (around 4 graphs per user on screen).




My server is a Dual Xeon 2.8ghz(4 cpu), 6Gb Ram, 2x73gb Mirrored SCSI running Centos 4.3 64bit


(Load Highest 1.60, Lowest 0.22, Mean: 0.61)




Because the launch of this application will in all likelihood have wide media attention, we have to get this right. If I have to buy another server to host something like this then it would be nice to have a heads up now rather than at the last minute :)




Does anyone else use fusion charts to this degree and would they mind sharing there experiences?












*edit - I'm off on holiday for two weeks - so apologies if I don't answer until I return :)

Edited by Guest

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It's one of core features of FusionCharts to help you reduce server load. Since FusionCharts is generated at client side, there's no load at all on the server. You can have any number of concurrent users, without having any impact on your server.

There are lots of websites that get over a million hits a day and use FusionCharts in their home pages/such applications.

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