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its a path issue charts/FCExporter.aspx.cs on my devlopment machine

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I dont know but the export option is working fine in my local but its throwing an error FCExporter.aspx not found in the path http://company web url/charts/FCExporter.aspx.cs  but its very much present

i have  tried to use all these options but it jsut does not work 

2)exportHandler='Charts/FCExporter.aspx' in my dyanmic xml that i am passing to a string builder in an update panel

1)string exportHandler = "./Charts/FCExporter.aspx"; and then tried to pass the string to the export handler in the xml strin builder in the chart elment like this


"<chart showPercentValues='1' slantLabels='1' animation='0' labelDisplay='Rotate' caption='Application Owner %25 Assessment By SUBLOB' startingAngle='60' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' formatNumberScale='0' chartRightMargin='40' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='50' showBorder='0' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='50' canvasbgColor='F2F2F2' canvasBorderColor='4A7EC5' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='80' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='" + exportHandler + "' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='%7Btab%7D' numDivLines='4' baseFontSize='8pt' baseFontColor ='000000' isHTML='1' bold='0' baseFont='Frutiger 45 Light' YAxisMinValue='0' YAxisMaxValue='100' xAxisName='Week' yAxisName='Assessment %25' showAlternateHGridColor='0' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' divLineColor='969696' divLineThickness='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' debugMode='1'><categories>");

3) string exportHandler =ResolveClientUrl("~/Charts/FCExporter.aspx");

this is also used as above

 could you please help me with this issue as i need it very badly

thanks in advance


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Please re-check the path that you are mentioning for the exportHandler in your XML file.

Also, please type in the whole-path of the export handler(as per the server) in the address bar of the browser page and then check whether it display the content or it display 'Not Found'.

If it display some text then please copy the whole path from the address bar and paste it as the exportHandler path in your XML file, else, please re-check the path.

Hope this helps.

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