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Long labels with a Pie Chart

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With the PieChart, I would like to know if there is a way to have my labels go on multiple lines.

The descriptions I am working with are really long, so they often are "out of bound" of the flash and we miss information.

Is there an option to do such a thing?

Thanks a lot.

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I'm afraid we do not support breaking of labels on a pie chart. However, you can opt to hide the labels on the pie chart and then use FusionCharts grid component to show it.

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Actually, since I am laying out my data in PHP, I was able to introduce a line break like this:




[ code ]


$rsa = explode(" ",$rs2[answer]);


$rsa_words = count($rsa);


$x = 0;


$label = '';


foreach ($rsa as $value) {


$label .= $value." ";


if (($x == '6') || ($x == '13') || ($x == '20') || ($x == '27')) {


$label .= '












[/ code ]




Basically I am breaking the line after every 7th word. Here is the result:






Edited by Guest

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