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Fusion Chart V3 for line issue

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I am just evaluating this Fusion chart version bcos If I am able to make a demo application then we can buy the license to integrate in my application.

I have taken online help. I am able to read the data from XML and data from database it is working fine. But I am trying to put line on the graph. I am not able to put that line. I have taken the XML from below link Just copy pasted then also it shows those cubical instead of line with out any error "".

I think " renderAs="Line" " is not working properly in my case. I am not able to figure out why this is happening. Currently I am using "MSColumn3DLineDY.swf " flash file.

Please help out in this issue if any one has got any idea. How can I show the bullets & line . Or Do I am missing something.


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