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ExternalInterface.addCallback("getEntityList", this, getEntityList)

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i find externalinterface method in flash source so i will use that method.

i make javascript this :

  var test = window['Map1Id'].getEntityList();


and result : [object Object],[object Object]....

how i should make mapping Object?

sorry. i can not english well.

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i am afraid i could not get your query.

But if you are interested with entities of the map you can access them using the method you used -getEntityList().

for example :

var test = window['mapId'].getEntityList();

This  will return an array whose first element is null. The entity definitions start from element 2/index 1. till end.

for(var i=1;i<test.length;i++)

Each element of the array is another associative array. Hence to get various details you can use the following .

alert(;  //Internal id of entity

alert(test.value);  //value of entity


alert(test.lName);  //Long Name of entity

alert(test.sName);  //short Name of entity

alert(test.tooText);  //Entity tooltext

Others are,

alpha, color,displayValue,mc.

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