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PDF Generation on Server

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We have analysis of a Survey shown as Fusion Charts on the Web Pages.. and That far it is working fine..




But we also want to generate PDF of these Charts in a CRON job, periodically. So in this scenario there is no HTML or JS interface available for us. We pick up XML and configuration of Multiple Charts from Database and want to generate PDF and email it.




How can we accomplish this in PHP..







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Guest Rajroop

Hi Satak,


This is not possible in PHP, as of now.


however, we have a workaround BETA solution to generate server side images/PDFs, without rendering the chart on the browser.


Please drop a mail to FusionCharts Contact for more on this.

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i want to know that why have u written that it is not possible in php is it possible in jsp or java

just reply as soon as possible

  On 11/29/2010 at 2:52 PM, Rajroop said:

Hi Satak,


This is not possible in PHP, as of now.


however, we have a workaround BETA solution to generate server side images/PDFs, without rendering the chart on the browser.


Please drop a mail to FusionCharts Contact for more on this.

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As of now the work-around process that we have devised in .NET (Windows) is not supported in non-windows machine. Hence, to be very specific, this is not supported in all machines which is not Windows and not having .NET. Mostly, PHP Servers with cron jobs are non-Windows machines. Hence, not possible.


Again, the support of Java is also limited to the avalibility of Windows and .NET.

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