
Can't Use Javascript Apis

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Hi all,

I had a problem to use anyone of the api's described in the documentation.The error was always ".... is not a function". I can use just setDataXML and setDataURL.


Then I tried to create a very simple page to understand wich is the problem:


Include FusionCharts.js v3 and create the function used for clear the chart...

       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./custom/js/FusionCharts.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function clearChart(){


...after that I create the Chart and rendered it into a div (flag JS to 1)


<div id="divprova"></div> 
<script type="text/javascript">

	var myChart = new FusionCharts( "./chart/RealTimeStackedArea.swf" , "fusionLineHOST00M" ,"520","200","0","1");
	myChart.setDataXML('<chart dataStreamURL="/ws/fusionLineUpd?idChart=" refreshInterval="5..........etc.......);



<input type="button" onclick="clearChart()" value="Submit">


The result on click is "chart.clearChart is not a function"


post-9421-087420400 1286350104_thumb.png

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Ah, I understand what you're asking now. Had to read it a few times.


Widgets is a whole different kettle of fish. There is a limited JavaScript API that you can read about here. The methods exposed by FusionCharts.js don't apply.

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  On 10/9/2010 at 2:26 PM, DannyR said:

Ah, I understand what you're asking now. Had to read it a few times.


Widgets is a whole different kettle of fish. There is a limited JavaScript API that you can read about here. The methods exposed by FusionCharts.js don't apply.


And how I can clear a chart or stop/restart the updates??

How can I use the Javascript APIs for Widget?They are explained in the documentation so I suppose there are some ways to use them..

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Are you running the code on a web server or are you trying to do it from the filesystem? Have you tried using getChartFromID and checking in Firebug to see what methods are exposed?

Edited by DannyR

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  On 10/9/2010 at 2:47 PM, DannyR said:

Are you running the code on a web server or are you trying to do it from the filesystem? Have you tried using getChartFromID and checking in Firebug to see what methods are exposed?

From a apache local server

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