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Bill Power

Fusion Charts and FileMaker Server

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Hi All,

I have developed a stand alone solution in FileMaker 9 with a charting layout. I now want to share this over the network using FileMaker Server 9 Advanced. 

Everything works fine in the stand alone environment but in a client/server environment when a client executes the charting script the WebViewer will not display the chart.  When I look at the charting script the problem appears to be in the file path??

Any help would be appreciated,

Regards Paul

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most probably there is some problem with the path as you correctly figured out. Can you please locate the server path where FusionCharts.html and other .js and .swf  files are residing and set that to the web viewer. You may need to edit the FusionCharts Library.fp7 file's  InitializeFusionCharts script  and GetFusionChartsFilePath script to assign that server path so that the right path get accessed by the client. Hope then the chart will show up.

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Hi Sudipto,

Thanks for your reply.  I think we have sorted out the problem.  It was a combination of the Server requirements of FileMaker and the path the FileMaker client was referencing.  Essentially it became a bit of a nightmare to resolve, which we did by:

1. Using FileMaker Server Advanced (FMA);

2. Setting up a web server which linked to FMA via ODBC;

3. Placed all the FushionCharts on the Webserver; and

4. In the load script pointed the charting information to reference the URL of the web server.

Quite a process but it works perfectly,

Regards Paul

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Thanks for all your R&D. It would be an immense help to all FusionChats clients who aspire to put FusionCharts in FileMaker server. Thanks again.

Can you please put here a detailed process flow of all the step that you toiled through to highly benefit all our FileMaker friends.

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This seems like a very convoluted solution. 

I've placed the Chart folder on my client machine and mapped it accordingly, which does result in successful chart rendering.  That said, I MUCH prefer to keep everything at the server level to greatly simplify deployment.

When I locate the Chart folder on the server, I can't figure out the correct mapping. I've tried every mapping combination I can think of to no avail.

Is this a feature that is unsupported by FusionCharts?

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