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Marimekko Chart With Negative Values

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I am using Marimekko Chart which gives an information with the bar by increasing width & height according to the values which conveys the inoformation very clear. I tried that chart with only positive values, it worked fine. But I tired the same chart with both positive & negative values, it treated all the values as positive. Is it possible with Marimekko chart. If not give me suggestion for some other charts with same functionality as Marimekko chart (increasing the bar size both in X-axis & Y-axis).



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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


I am afraid, Marimekko chart does not support the negative values, at this time.


There is no such chart available in FusionCharts having same functionality as Marimekko chart, at this time.


Hope this

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Regarding the below, are you aware of any change in this since the post in 2011? I too have the requirement for a Marimekko chart with negative values, and am experiencing the same issues, i.e. values show as positive when entered as negative.







Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


I am afraid, Marimekko chart does not support the negative values, at this time.


There is no such chart available in FusionCharts having same functionality as Marimekko chart, at this time.


Hope this

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Guest Bindhu

Hi Neil,


I am afraid, it is not possible to represent negative numbers on a Marimekko chart.


The Marimekko charts makes marketing analysis easier.


You can use it to represent 3 dimensions of marketing data - total value of a market segment, combined share of all competitors in a particular market segment and individual share of competitors in each of the market segments.


For example, you can show the market share of three manufacturers (namely A, B and C) in three segments (Desktop, Laptop, Notebook) and the share of each segment in the market itself using the Marimekko charts.


For more details on 'Marimekko Chart Specification Sheet', please refer to the link below,


Hope this helps!

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