Nic Report post Posted March 26, 2011 I am trying out the migration of a chart to the new 3.2 version to see if we can continue using it as we have a requirement to support iOS devices. In theory the fallback to Highcharts should do the job for us but for the first chart I have tried the Highcharts version displays the axes and trendlines but not the actual data series, which is obviously not good enough. I have not really looked to much at the params, they work in the flash version well enough. Curiously another member of the team has been looking at using highcharts by itself and we are not seeing any problems with the series line rendering there - although he has not yet implemented all the configuration that I have in fusioncharts. The data I am working with is a bit personal so I cannot post a link to the rendered charts right now, what I can post is the PHP code I am using: $FC = new FusionCharts("ZoomLine","700","390"); # set the relative path of the SWF file $FC->setSWFPath("./Charts/"); $chartParams = "caption=; subCaption=; ;showLabels=1;xAxisName=;connectNullData=1; yAxisMaxValue=100; yAxisMinValue=0; bgColor=FFFFFF; bgAlpha=100; bgSWF=images/Moodscope_no_annotation_".$full_month_requested."_".$year_requested.".jpg; baseFontColor=000000; baseFontSize=9; canvasBgAlpha=30; canvasBorderColor=CCCCCC; canvasBorderThickness=0; canvasBorderAlpha=40; divLineColor=CCCCCC; divLineAlpha=100; numDivLines=".$numDivLines."; numVDivlines=29; vDivLineisDashed=1; showAlternateVGridColor=1; lineColor=FF0033; lineThickness=3; lineAlpha=100; borderThickness=0; anchorRadius=4; anchorBgColor=FF0033; anchorBorderColor=FF0033; anchorBorderThickness=1; showValues=0; numberSuffix=; showToolTip=1; toolTipBgColor=FFFF99; toolTipBorderColor=AAAAAA; showToolTipShadow=1; alternateHGridAlpha=5; chartLeftMargin=35; chartRightMargin=15;exportEnabled=1;exportShowMenuItem=1;exportAtClient=1;pixelsPerPoint=5;anchorMinRenderDistance=20;displayStartIndex=".$default_start."; displayEndIndex=".$last_count; $FC->setChartParams($chartParams); if ($show_trend_lines == 1) { $FC->addTrendLine("startValue=".$max.";color=ff0000;displayvalue=My Max "); $FC->addTrendLine("startValue=".$min.";color=0000ff;displayvalue=My Min"); $FC->addTrendLine("startValue=".$my_average.";color=00ffff;displayvalue=My Average "); } $score_value = array_shift($scores); foreach ($range as $day_score){ $FC->addCategory(date('j M y',strtotime($day_score))); if (strtotime($score_value['date']) <= strtotime($day_score)) { $FC->addChartData($score_value['percentage_score'],"label=".date('D j',strtotime($day_score))); $score_value = array_shift($scores); } else { $FC->addChartData('',"label=".date('D j',strtotime($day_score))); } } Am I using features that are unsupported in highcharts, if so which ones. Otherwise is there a bug causing the problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ayan Pal Report post Posted March 28, 2011 Hi, Thanks for your post. Could you please post the generated XML (You may change the values for security) . you may get the XML from page view source or by printing the $FC->getXML(); into a text area. also you may check few things-> 1> There has no attribute repeat in any XML tag 2> You are using all latest JS files(supplied with our Power Charts pack). 3> All JS files are placed as where as it is required. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nic Report post Posted March 29, 2011 Hi, Thanks for your post. Could you please post the generated XML (You may change the values for security) . you may get the XML from page view source or by printing the $FC->getXML(); into a text area. also you may check few things-> 1> There has no attribute repeat in any XML tag 2> You are using all latest JS files(supplied with our Power Charts pack). 3> All JS files are placed as where as it is required. OK here is the XML, its not going to format very nicely and its too for the forum to accept in a post so I have attached it I have checked that the js files are up to date and present. Thanks, Nic fusioncharts_xml.txt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites