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Padding between canvas top and data

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Is there any way to add a pixel padding between the top of my bar chart, and the canvas top ?


None of the existing padding values seem to work and I would like to avoid adjusting my Y-axis max value to add whitespace to the top of the data.




This is so that people don't think that the data has been 'truncated' because the top of the chart sits right at the top edge of the canvas.

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If you need padding between the chart caption/subcaption and start of canvas, you can set [chart captionPadding='xx' ..] where xx represents a pixel value.

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I have the same problem. In the Column3D chart my bars go right to the top of the canvas. Ideally I'd like a y-axis equivalent of the effect that the canvasPadding attribute has on the space between the side of the chart and the first and last bars.

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The only option would be to set such a yAxisMaxValue that allows for some space between the max data value and the upper limit.

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