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Whole numbers on y axis

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Is it possible to force the numbers that appear on the y axis to be whole numbers?  In this particular case the y-axis is the count of something that will always be a whole number.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

For example, the y axis will be automatically labeled with 0.6 and 1.2, when the value if the only item on the chart is 1.  In this case I just want to have it labeled with 1.0.

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Was there a solution for this? That's exactly what I'm looking for but there doesn't seem to be a straightforward way of doing this that I can see. My data is entirely whole numbers, so I would also like the y-axis div values to be whole numbers as well, but it insists on using decimals. I've seen this question asked a number of times on this forum, but I haven't found an answer for this yet.




Thanks :)

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Hello Rahul,




That did not work :)




Thanks for the advice though! I'm using a 3d stacked column graph, as part of the free fusion charts package.




Changing the precision values doesn't work, it simply rounds the yaxis values but doesn't change the scale of the graph.

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I'm trying out FusionCharts now. And I have the similar problem.




I'm using the Bar2D.swf chart and I need only the whole-numbur-values for the x-axis. I've tryed to solve it with xAxisValueDecimals='0'. This didn't work. Is there any possibility to solve this problem?




By the way, I have noted, there are a bug with x- and y-axisNames. The have been changed. So I have to assign the name of the x-axis using the "yAxisName" attribut.





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Hello Pavel,

Welcome to the forum. :)

The axis name reversal is by design, to preseve a similar formatting for related charts. The spatial axes in case of bar charts are inverted, because the logical axes in the XML are kept constant.

As regards the decimal precision, could you please try using yAxisValueDecimals='0' in the chart element?

I hope this helps.

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Hallo Dhruva,

thank you for answering soon! :)

I have already thought, that the axis're inverted and tried to force whole numbers with yAxisValueDecimals='0'. But it didn't worked.

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You're welcome!

Could you also add adjustDiv='0' to the <chart> element and try again? If need be, please specify the number of div lines manually, using the numdivlines attribute.

I hope this helps.

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