
Fusion Charts With Ipad

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Has someone rendered fusion charts in PAD? I am using the version 3 of fusion charts which has support for iPAD. I have made the below changes. Inspite of this the charts are not visible on iPAD. Also the click event needs to be fired twice for remaining charts to get loaded. Please let me know if I am missing something.


1. I have set the "registerWithJS" Flag to 1.

2. I have FusionCharts.js, HighCharts.js,jquery.min.js files in the same location.

3. Used only relative path.




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Hi Sudipto,


I get the below javascript error in highcharts.js-


TypeError: Result of expression 'v.Event'[undefined] is not a function.


Due to this the clicks are not recognized. I am not able to get an alert on clicking the chart.


Please let me know if I am missing on something.




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I am currently working on an iPad Application which extensively use Fusion charts v3. Can you let me know your implementation on a highlevel?


Thank you,


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I am unable to get the meaning of 'highlevel' in this context.


If you are developing native iPad application and using WebView control to load the charts in HTML the chart would work as expected in normal web pages (seen through iPad browser)

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