
Charts Showing Only On Flash Version

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I have a couple of charts on a website and, initially I had problems with some of the charts not rendering on my website because my "XML data was invalid."... turns out I was using a very old version of Firefox on my Dev PC and installing a new browser fixed it and all of my charts are showing up now.


Now I configured my charts to fallback to javascript if the client doesn't support Flash and am having some problems with the javascript charts now. I get an "Invalid data" message instead of a rendered chart... this happens only on some of them, for security reasons I can't post the code or output XML but I know it's definitely not the XML since ALL of my charts work on Flash.


Can someone help me out with this? :)


- Adrian

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Could you please send us a screenshot or any live link to look into the issue?


Please confirm the FusionCharts and browser version you are using.


Awaiting for your response.

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Sorry, I can't send a Screenshot or live link but the problem happens on opera 11.11 for PC, iPhone 4 safari, and blackberry OS6 browser. I think I'm using 3.2.1 (or something of the sort) not evaluation.

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Could you please confirm if you have duplicate attributes mentioned in the XML? The JavaScript Fallback supporting charts displays "Invalid Data" with duplicate attributes.


In case if this issue still exists, you can mail us the relevant XML as an attachment to [email protected] where the confidentiality would be maintained.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thank you for your help, I discovered that the *many* charts were using the same datasource file, and that file had the <? xml ?> tag and some meta tags at the beginning and removing that fixed my problem :(. Maybe the meta tags were the problem and not the XML tag, but that was the solutino for me in case anyone else had the same problem :)

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