eco9807 Report post Posted June 13, 2011 Good day! I have need to your help. I want to add bg image so I used bgSWF attribute in jsp file. But I just got like attach file. I don't know Where is problem? Can you help? I noticed jsp source below <chart bgSWF='/images/biz_management/hpcb/fusionchartbg.gif' bgAlpha='0,0,0' bgSWFAlpha='100' canvasBgAlpha='0,0' caption='' showBorder='0' borderThickness='0' formatNumberScale='0' chartLeftMargin="0" chartRightMargin="0" chartTopMargin="10" chartBottomMargin="5" captionPadding="0" canvasPadding="80" showValues='1' xAxisNamePadding='0' maxColWidth="35" showToolTip='0' PYAxisName='' SYAxisName='' baseFont='tahoma' baseFontSize ='9' legendPosition='TOP' TRENDVALUES='' showLegend ='1' showCanvasBg='0' numDivLines='0' showYAxisValues ='0' showShadow='0' showLabels ='0' showDivLineValues ='0' canvasBorderAlpha ='0' legendBorderAlpha='0' legendBgAlpha ='0' legendShadow ='0' > <categories fontSize='10'> <category label='<%=rows[0].getString("yr4")%>' /> <category label='<%=rows[0].getString("yr3")%>' /> <category label='<%=rows[0].getString("yr2")%>' /> <category label='<%=rows[0].getString("yr1")%>' /> </categories> <% String str_Axis = ""; String parentYAxis = ""; String renderAs = ""; for(int i=1; i < totalcnt; i++) { String color = (String)rows.getString("color1"); String charttype = (String)rows.getString("charttype"); if(charttype.equals("S")){ renderAs="Column"; parentYAxis = "Y"; }else{ renderAs="Line"; parentYAxis = "S"; } String calcnm = rows.getString("calcnm"); if(calcnm != null && !calcnm.equals("")){ calcnm = "("+calcnm+")"; }else { calcnm=""; } if(!charttype.equals("S") && !charttype.equals("")){ %> <dataset seriesName='<%=rows.getString("gbnnm")%><%=calcnm%>' color='<%=color%>' renderAs='<%=renderAs%>' parentYAxis='<%=parentYAxis%>' lineThickness ='2' lineColor='<%=color%>' > <set value='<%=rows.getString("yr4").trim()%>' anchorRadius='4' /> <set value='<%=rows.getString("yr3").trim()%>' anchorRadius='4' /> <set value='<%=rows.getString("yr2").trim()%>' anchorRadius='4' /> <set value='<%=rows.getString("yr1").trim()%>' anchorRadius='4' /> </dataset> <% } } %> <styles> <definition> <style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='tahoma' size='16' color='#797979' bold='1' underline='0'/> <style name='myValueFont' type='font' size='9' Font='tahoma' color='#202020' bold='0' /> <style name='myBevel' type='bevel' distance='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Caption' styles='myCaptionFont' /> <apply toObject='Legend' styles='myLegendFont' /> <apply toObject='DataValues' styles='myValueFont' /> <apply toObject='ANCHORS' styles='myBevel' /> </application> </styles> </chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angshu Report post Posted June 13, 2011 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please note that due to security reasons Flash Player does not allow you to load cross-domain files or files having absolute path. Hence, your bgSWF files should be of the same domain as the chart and should load from relative paths. Hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites