FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Export Chart To Stream

    Hi, Yes, if you have Windows and .NET 2.0 or more installed you can use an assembly to generate chart images at server end from command line or from any .NET application.
  2. Hi, To create Pure JS chart please use this code as shown below: FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); ... Literal1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "Data/Data.xml", "", "chart1", "600", "300", false, true); reference: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/CS_BasicExample.html#js It seems that there might be some issue with your data. Could you please send us the data that is getting created before you pass it to the chart?
  3. Change Xml Data Source With Javascript

    Hi, FusionCharts.js/FusionCharts.debug.js which is present in FusionCharts.v3.2.x or PowerCharts v3.2.1 pack is a newly built JavaScript class to load and add various functionality to charts in FusionCharts and PowerCharts 3.2.x packs. However, since, FusionWidgets pack is not yet 3.2, it retains the old FusionCharts.js which was taken from FusionCharts v3.1.1. Hence, the difference. However, FusionWidgets can be loaded using the latest js provided in FusionCharts/PowerCharts v3.2.1 without any issue. But, so far the use of JavaScript API is concerned, you need to stick to the API of FusionWidgets. Could you please confirm, if the solution provided by Ayan has helped?
  4. Javascript Errors Rendering Charts

    Hi, Will it be possible for you to add a single line of JavaScript code before you initialize the chart? The line is : if (FusionCharts && FusionCharts("<?php print "chartContainer" . $pieid;?>")) FusionCharts("<?php print "chartContainer" . $pieid;?>").dispose(); Put rest of the lines as you are doing: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("./FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "<?php print "chartContainer" . $pieid;?>", fw, fh); chart1.setDataURL("<?php print urlencode("farmmon.php?action=getchartdata&type=pie&area=" . $graph_area . "&resource_type=" . $resource_type_id . "&id=" . $pieid);?>"); chart1.render("<?php print "chartContainer" . $pieid;?>");
  5. Do you think by any change your antivirus or any protection is blocking the access to the dll file altogether. In case yes, you can go for the source of the dll in FusionCharts.cs file and use it for the same purpose.
  6. How To Prevent Cahcing Of Charts On A Php Page?

    some thing like: 'line.swf?nocache=' + new Date().valueOf();
  7. How To Prevent Cahcing Of Charts On A Php Page?

    seems you need to do the same cache killing for the swf path. but not in php.you need to use javascript.
  8. How To Prevent Cahcing Of Charts On A Php Page?

    Hi, Thanks for your mail. Could you please pass us the code in PHP that you are using to render the chart? Also could you please let us know, whether in subsequent visits you see the same chart or no chart at all. In case you wish to see a chart with expected change of data you would need to set cache killing query string along with the XML URL. e.g., in PHP: "data/99_001.xml?nocache=" . microtime()
  9. How Do I Set A Line Start/stop Position?

    Hi, In case you wish to hide more just keep setting alpha='0' in <set> element. Combi2D3.xml
  10. Gantt Chart

    Happy to help
  11. PDF Generation on Server

    Hi, As of now the work-around process that we have devised in .NET (Windows) is not supported in non-windows machine. Hence, to be very specific, this is not supported in all machines which is not Windows and not having .NET. Mostly, PHP Servers with cron jobs are non-Windows machines. Hence, not possible. Again, the support of Java is also limited to the avalibility of Windows and .NET.
  12. FusionCharts for Flex v1.2 Released

    Hello Flex Developers, We are happy to bring to you the newest release of FusionCharts for Flex v1.2 featuring the following: 2 new chart types : Radar and long-awaited Gantt Chart taking the total chart count to 59 (and making it the single most comprehensive charting solution for Adobe Flex) Added support for images in chart background, logo and annotations. Default palette of all 3D charts have been modified to produce translucent background. Improved print function. Learn more about the product and download your no-restriction trial from www.fusioncharts.com/flex. Existing customers can upgrade to the new version from www.fusioncharts.com/PUC.
  13. Bubble Legend Problem

    Hi, It seems that you are using Flex to load the chart. Charts swf from FusionCharts v3.2 does not support Flex as of now. To load charts in Flex you need to use a separate product - FusionCharts for Flex. (http://www.fusioncharts.com/flex). As of now, FusionCharts for Flex use 3.1 chart swf.
  14. Print Using Javascript

    Hi, You would need to wait for a bit to let the print manager make the chart ready for print. You can trap event when the print manager become ready. This is a sample that shows how you can trap this event: <html> <head> <title>FusionCharts Print Manager</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- FusionCharts.printManager.enabled(true); var myChart = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); FusionCharts.addEventListener ( FusionChartsEvents.PrintReadyStateChange , function (identifier, parameter) { if(parameter.ready){ alert("Chart is now ready for printing."); document.getElementById('printButton').disabled = false; } }); // --></script> <input type="button" onclick="FusionCharts.printManager.managedPrint()" value="Managed Print" disabled="disabled" id="printButton" > </body> </html> You can try this sample live from :http://www.fusioncharts.com/Code/JavaScript/Basics/ManagedPrintForMozilla/ManagedPrintingInMozillaBrowsers.html And Documentation on : http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?JavaScript/JS_PrintManager.html
  15. Updating Charts in Tab Panels

    Hi, FusionCharts can be implemented in EXtJS tabs. Please take a look at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/code/JavaScript/Basics/Tabs/tab.html
  16. Joomla and Fusion Charts

    Hi, Please check http://www.fusioncharts.com/joomla
  17. Javascript slicing for pie charts

    Hi, Since v3.2 you can do it much easily. Since v3.2 you can use a function called togglePieSlice(id). This function takes the numeric id of the slice (which starts at 0) to slice out or slice in(if already sliced out) So, your implementation would be : 1. Call a JavaScript function which using link. 2. The JS function will do the drilldown 3. The JS function will also takes care of slicing using togglePieSlice() function. e.g. http://www.fusioncharts.com/code/JavaScript/PieDoughnut/togglePieSlice.html
  18. Print option

    Hi, You can directly use Print function or option of the Browser. For advanced use you can export charts to server side images and then add the images to the Printable documents.
  19. Getting x, y coordinates of clicked anchor to javascript

    Hi, If you render the chart in opaque WMODE (which is default mode in v3.2) and use normal JavaScript mouse event handler to track the x,y position and execute your implementation requirements accordingly.
  20. FusionCharts in standalone flash presentation

    Hi, FusionCharts is built using AS2 and will undergo issues using AS3 loader.
  21. Cannot use more than one post variable with setDataURL?

    Hi, Please update to the latest pack v3.2 or use escape() to URLEncode the path.
  22. Problem of display with: PYAxisName and SYAxisName

    Only pYaxisName and sYaxisName works in Dual Y charts.
  23. Back option is not working for Fusion charts -DashBoard

    May be the dashboard is getting cached.!
  24. Data not display

    hi, You just need to provide correct XML for the chart with proper data. Permissions are not a problem.
  25. how to detect chart finish rendering

    FC_Rendered() is called when a chart finishes rendering. To fire this event. You need to set RegisterWithJS flag to on/true/1 while rendering.