Hi everyone,
We have just begun the roll-out of Fusion Charts for our system and have (pretty quickly) come across an issue that is inhibiting our ability to continue with this roll-out.
Our issue may be similar to that of this forum post: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/15776-fusion-charts-in-hidden-divs/?hl=hidden however I am not 100% sure if the issue reported is the same as ours or more to do with exporting, which is the reason for this post.
Basically if you render a chart within a <div /> that has display: none; set, then using JavaScript you display the <div /> the chart will have rendered using the default height and width instead of those specified.
For example:
A) If I render the chart normally (without display: none;) then see fusion_charts_from_show.png (attached).
If I then render the chart with the <div /> as display: none; and then show it, it renders like in fusion_charts_from_hidden.png (attached).
A is correct, while B is incorrect.
Is there a fix or a way to make the chart render correctly when we show the hidden <div />? Preferably we do not want to run any JavaScript or anything when showing panels.
Any help will be appreciated.
For your information we are using: @version fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr3.21100