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Everything posted by Bindhu

  1. Hi, It looks like you are using older version of FusionCharts suite XT. Please upgrade to the latest version of FusionCharts suite XT (version 3.3.1 SR3) and see if it helps. You may download the latest trial verison from the link below, Hope this helps!
  2. Which Charts to Use

    Hi Durga, If you want to represent only one series, you may use Line2D chart and if you want to represent more than one series, then use MultiSeries Line 2D chart. You have to provide data in either XML or JSON data format. The x-axis takes in only string values and y-axis takes in numerical data. For the given data, the chart XML data would be like, <chart xAxisname='Time' yAxisName='Amount'> <set value='150' label='10:05'/> <set value='150' label='10:08'/> <set value='150' label='10:13'/> <set value='150' label='10:25'/> </chart> Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered. Hope this helps!
  3. Column chart with time values

    Hi, We do not support time values in y-axis, as of now. Hope this clarifies.
  4. Column chart data labels alignment

    Hi, Thank you for the sample. We are looking into it and would get back to you as soon as possible. Hope this helps!
  5. Updating the existing chart's data

    Hi, Please call a JavaScript function onClick of a button and re-render the chart using the new XML/JSON data with modified toolText values. Please refer: Hope this helps!
  6. Legend Issue

    Hi, Tried it. Still no luck in replicating the issue. Please find attached screen shot. Hope this helps!
  7. Hi, We are unable to replicate the issue with the latest version files. Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered. We recommend you to please upgrade to the latest version. Hope this helps!
  8. Legend Issue

    Hi, Please try using the latest version files. We are unable to replicate the issue. Please find attached screen shot of the charts rendered. Please let us know if you are rendering the chart in a div which has custom CSS applied?
  9. Funnel Chart Javascript

    Hi, Please confirm if you have placed all the necessary files such as FusionCharts.js, FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Widgets.js and jquery.min.js under the same folder. Also, please confirm if you have included the FusionCharts.js in your web page. Hope this helps!
  10. Y Axis Control In Fusion Charts.

    Hi, When Y values are more than yAxismaxValue, yAxisMaxValue set will be ignored. So you will have to set a suitable yAxisMaxValue and depending on the yAxisMaxValue, you have to calculate a value for numDivLines such that when you divide it you wont get decimal values. Hoe this helps!
  11. Hi Mathew, Glad to know that you have managed to resolve the issue. If its a feasible workaround, please let us know here, so that it will be helpful for others facing similar issue. And yes, our developers are working towards it. Hope this helps!
  12. Hi Mathew, It is a bug with regards to Spline Chart and Spline Area Chart. Our developers are working on it and would get back to you as soon as possible. Hope this helps!
  13. IE11 server side export is not working.

    Hi, Our developers are still looking into the issue. In the mean time, please try using other ways of exporting chart images on the server like Using wkhtmltoimage or Using PhantomJS. For more details please refer to the link below, Hope this helps!
  14. Spacing Bars

    Hi, Sure, give it a try. Please do let us know how it goes. Happy FusionCharting
  15. Y Axis Control In Fusion Charts.

    Hi, Please use the 'yAxisMaxValue' and 'numDivLines' attributes appropriately to suit your requirement. Say, for example, if you need to display from 0 to 4 on the axis, then set numDivLines='2' and yAxisMaxValue='4'. Similarly, if you need to display from 0 to 2, set numDivLines='1' and yAxisMaxValue='2'. Hope this helps!
  16. Hi, Please try using JavaScripts Charts, as we will not be supporting Flash charts anymore. For the subCaption issue with regards to StackedColumn3D charts, if you have obtained the license, please drop a mail to [email protected] mentioning the order subscription id. Hope this helps! P.S: JavaScript charts will not support links in the data labels.
  17. YAxisName orientation for Dual Y

    Hi, I am unable to replicate the issue using @version fusioncharts/3.2.4-release.8565 for JavaScript charts. Both versions give me similar outputs. However, it is different for Flash charts and JavaScript charts. Please find attached screen shot of the JavaScript chart rendered using fusioncharts/3.2.4-release.8565 version. Hope this helps!
  18. Spacing Bars

    Hi, We do not support this feature explicitly. As a work around, you may use empty datasets between actual datasets to provide spacing. Ref. Code: <chart caption='Business Results' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' showValues='1' numberPrefix='$' plotSpacePercent='50'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='2005'> <set value='27400' /> <set value='29800'/> <set value='25800' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName=''> <set value='' /> <set value=''/> <set value='' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='2006'> <set value='21400' /> <set value='39800'/> <set value='45800' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName=''> <set value='' /> <set value=''/> <set value='' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='2007'> <set value='10000'/> <set value='11500'/> <set value='12500'/> </dataset> </chart> Hope this helps!
  19. chart type capability

    Hi, Can you please try using Gantt Chart from FusionWidgets XT package to suffice your requirement? For demos on Gantt Chart, please refer to the link below, For more details on 'Gantt Chart', please refer to the link below, Hope this helps!
  20. Hi, You may check this thread or you may also drop a mail to us at [email protected]. A ticket will be created and will update you through email. Hope this helps!
  21. Hi, Please let us know the version of FusionCharts XT being used.
  22. Hi Jitesh, This appears to be a bug with the JavaScript charts. Our development team is looking into it and would get back to you as soon as possible. Hope this helps!
  23. pYAxisName and sYAxisName Font Color

    Hi, This feature will be supported in the future releases. Will update this thread when once it is available. Hope this helps!