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Everything posted by Bindhu

  1. Legend Issue

    Hi, Can you please share the XML data with us for testing purposes? Please let us know the chart dimensions being used. Let us also know the version of FusionCharts XT being used.
  2. Please help!

    Hi, In that case you will have to update the entire chart XML data. Hope this helps!
  3. Hi Jitesh, Yes, it was. Now you can directly embed most of the special characters and punctuation marks in the XML/JSON data source of your chart. However, &, <, >, ' (apostrophe) and "(quote) need to be specially encoded when providing the same as a part of the chart data. Apart from this, there is no need to encode any other special character. I will get back to you on the toolTip issue for the iPads. Hope this helps!
  4. Hi, Please use the logic below, var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "100%", "100%", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl('Data.xml'); myChart.render("chartContainer"); var chartWidth; myChart.addEventListener ( "DrawComplete", function (evt, args) { chartWidth = args.width; // use this width and calculate the label step value } ); function FC_Rendered(DOMId){ var chartReference = FusionCharts( "myChartId" ); chartReference.setChartAttribute ( "labelStep" , "1" ); // set the calculated labelStep value here } Hope this helps!
  5. IE11 server side export is not working.

    Hi, This issue is with JavaScript Charts and Our developers are working on this issue and will update this post as soon as the issue is fixed. Hope this helps!
  6. Exporting Chart

    Hi Jamie, Please use the export related attributes in the chart element. Ref. Code: <chart exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' ......> Hope this helps!
  7. Hi, Please set 'showTickValues' attribute to 0 and define trendPoints to act as tickValues. Ref. Code: { "chart": { "lowerlimit": "100", "upperlimit": "0", "numbersuffix": "%", "showvalue": "1", "gaugeouterradius": "160", "gaugeinnerradius": "0", "gaugestartangle": "0", "gaugeendangle": "180", "showtickvalues": "0", "showlimits": "1" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "0", "maxvalue": "35", "code": "FF654F" }, { "minvalue": "35", "maxvalue": "65", "code": "F6BD0F" }, { "minvalue": "65", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "8BBA00" } ] }, "trendpoints": { "point": [ { "startvalue": "35", "displayvalue": "90%", "color": "666666", "thickness": "2", "alpha": "10" }, { "startvalue": "65", "displayvalue": "95%", "color": "666666", "thickness": "2", "alpha": "10" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "45", "showvalue": "0" } ] } } Please find attached screenshot of the image rendered using the above JSON data. Hope this helps!
  8. Please help!

    Hi, If you wish to update only the set element, then you have to use real time charts from the FusionWidgets XT package. For more details on 'Real-time capabilities', please refer to the link below, With FusionCharts XT, you will have to update the entire XML. Hope this helps!
  9. HI Jitesh, Please find the response below, inline with your queries, How do I fix this on both flash and js version with XT? >> With FusionCharts XT, please use the below line of code <set tooltext='$90.00 USD {br} 9:23:46 {br} ServerTech Inc.(..' y='90.0' x='1395375826000'> We use {br} for line breaks. How do I hide the tooltext once user has seen it? On desktop you just take the mouse away from the anchor and it will be hidden, how do I achieve the same on iPad? >> You have to tap(single click) on the chart area away from the toolTip. Hope this helps!
  10. Hi, This happens due to label management done automatically by FusionCharts XT to avoid clumsiness. Try using 'labelStep' attribute to suit your requirement along with 'labelDisplay' and 'rotateLabels' attributes set to 'ROTATE' and '1' respectively. Hope this helps!
  11. Funnel chart not rendering zero values

    Hi, It is the intended behavior of Funnel Chart. When all the values are 0, the chart will not be displayed, as there are no values to be displayed. When some values are 0, it will be displayed in comparison with the other positive/negative values. Hope this helps!
  12. Please help!

    Hi Rudy, Please find the code below, <html> <head> <title>My First chart using FusionCharts XT - using XML data embedded in the page</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var json = [{ "response": { "version":"0.1", "termsofService":"", "features": { "conditions": 1 } } , "current_observation": { "image": { "url":"", "title":"Weather Underground", "link":"" }, "display_location": { "full":"Yorktown, VA", "city":"Yorktown", "state":"VA", "state_name":"Virginia", "country":"US", "country_iso3166":"US", "zip":"23690", "magic":"1", "wmo":"99999", "latitude":"37.22531891", "longitude":"-76.52363586", "elevation":"28.00000000" }, "observation_location": { "full":"York County, Virginia, Yorktown, Virginia", "city":"York County, Virginia, Yorktown", "state":"Virginia", "country":"US", "country_iso3166":"US", "latitude":"37.182751", "longitude":"-76.470512", "elevation":"8 ft" }, "estimated": { }, "station_id":"KVAYORKT2", "observation_time":"Last Updated on March 23, 5:51 PM EDT", "observation_time_rfc822":"Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:51:27 -0400", "observation_epoch":"1395611487", "local_time_rfc822":"Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:52:07 -0400", "local_epoch":"1395611527", "local_tz_short":"EDT", "local_tz_long":"America/New_York", "local_tz_offset":"-0400", "weather":"Light Rain", "temperature_string":"37.2 F (2.9 C)", "temp_f":37.2, "temp_c":2.9, "relative_humidity":"93%", "wind_string":"From the NNE at 3.0 MPH Gusting to 7.0 MPH", "wind_dir":"NNE", "wind_degrees":22, "wind_mph":3.0, "wind_gust_mph":"7.0", "wind_kph":4.8, "wind_gust_kph":"11.3", "pressure_mb":"1017", "pressure_in":"30.03", "pressure_trend":"0", "dewpoint_string":"35 F (2 C)", "dewpoint_f":35, "dewpoint_c":2, "heat_index_string":"NA", "heat_index_f":"NA", "heat_index_c":"NA", "windchill_string":"37 F (3 C)", "windchill_f":"37", "windchill_c":"3", "feelslike_string":"37 F (3 C)", "feelslike_f":"37", "feelslike_c":"3", "visibility_mi":"6.0", "visibility_km":"9.7", "solarradiation":"56", "UV":"0","precip_1hr_string":"-999.00 in ( 0 mm)", "precip_1hr_in":"-999.00", "precip_1hr_metric":" 0", "precip_today_string":"0.11 in (3 mm)", "precip_today_in":"0.11", "precip_today_metric":"3", "soil_temp_f": "0.0", "soil_moisture": "0.0", "leaf_wetness": "0.0", "icon":"rain", "icon_url":"", "forecast_url":"", "history_url":"", "ob_url":",-76.470512" } }]; FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0"); myChart.setXMLData("<chart caption='Temperature for my area' xAxisName='Temperature' yAxisName='In Celsius' >"+ "<set label='My Area' value='" +json[0].current_observation.temp_f+ "'/>" + "</chart>"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); // --> </script> </body> </html> Hope this helps!
  13. Hi, For other stacked charts, you may try using vertical lines. For more details on 'Vertical Lines', please refer to the link below, Hope this helps!
  14. Population CHart

    Hi, I am glad it helps! Happy FusionCharting
  15. Legends Icons

    Hi Vishnu, Every multi-series / combination charts come with its own legend icon. The icons cannot be changed, however you may make functional and cosmetic modifications like, 1. Setting legend position to right 2. Configuring legend icon size 3. Legend Scroll bar 4. Setting number of columns in legend (when rendering at bottom of chart) 5. Reversing the order of items in legend 6. Hiding the legend 7. Customizing the legend 8. Using Styles to customize the font properties 9. Animation using Styles For more details on 'Legend', please refer to the link below, Hope this helps!
  16. Hi Vishnu, It is not possible to show sum for only specific columns. You may show sum for either all the columns or none. You use attribute "showSum" and set it to 1 to display sum value and set it to 0 to hide sum value. Hope this helps!
  17. Hi, "Display of values/labels inside the chart" feature for 2D Doughnut chart is supported in the upcoming release. It is not supported with the current version. We will keep you posted if there are any further developments on the same. Hope this helps!
  18. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Hi, We do not support this feature. Cell heights will be processed automatically depending on the chart height and the number of processes. Hope this helps!
  19. Population CHart

    Hi, Please try using displayValue attribute to display the values and please use trend lines to display axis values. Example: <chart caption='Company Revenue' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' showYAxisValues='0' numDivLines='0'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Product A'> <set value='20800' /> <set value='25800' /> <set value='30400' /> <set value='40400' /> <set value='50400' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Product B'> <set value='-20800' displayValue='20.8k'/> <set value='-25800' displayValue='25.8k'/> <set value='-30400' displayValue='30.4k'/> <set value='-40400' displayValue='40.4k'/> <set value='-50400' displayValue='50.4k'/> </dataset> <trendLines > <line startValue='0' displayValue='0' /> <line startValue='20000' displayValue='20k' /> <line startValue='40000' displayValue='40k' /> <line startValue='60000' displayValue='60k' /> <line startValue='-20000' displayValue='20k' /> <line startValue='-40000' displayValue='40k' /> <line startValue='-60000' displayValue='60k' /> </trendLines> </chart> Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered using the above XML. Hope this helps!
  20. Hi Vishnu, Amongst the Stacked 2D Charts, Vertical Divisional lines are supported by Stacked Area 2D Chart only. Please use the attribute numVDivLines and set it to your desired value. Example: To show 5 vertical divisional lines, you set it to 5 <chart numVDivLines='5' .... > < ...> <chart/> For more details on 'XML/JSON Attributes for Vertical Divisional Lines', please refer to the link below, For more details on 'Stacked Area 2D Chart Specification Sheet', please refer to the link below, Hope this helps!
  21. Drill Down Link not working

    Hi, Please try replacing the below line of code <set label="Team1" value="250" link = 'JavaScript:myJSFunction("newchart-xml-250-leadcount")' /> with <set label="Team1" value="250" link = "JavaScript:myJSFunction('newchart-xml-250-leadcount')"/> and see if it helps. Rest of the code looks fine. Also, please let us know the myJSFunction('newchart-xml-250-leadcount') part of the code.
  22. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Hi, I am unable to replicate the issue using your code. Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered. Please try clearing your cache memory. Hope this helps!