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Everything posted by Gayathri

  1. Bar chart shape

    Hi, PFA screen shot of a chart. I want the same to be implemented using fusion chart. Is there is any possible way to implement that in fusion bar chart. I want the shape of the bar should be somthing similar to the screen shot. Anyone kindly help me on this asap. Thanks
  2. Bar chart shape

    Hi Nabajeet, Thanks for the link you shared for XML version of the bar chart. i tried creating that but dynamic adjustment of size of that image in place of bar is not possible.. i want that image to get dynamically adjusted corresponding to the value. PFA screen shot for the error. PFA code that im using to generate this type of chart. Fusion Thanks Gayathri
  3. Bar chart shape

    Hi Nabajeet, Here we are using xml code and the link you have shared is for js fiddle.. so can you please provide the solution fo using xml code. Thanks Gayathri
  4. Bar chart shape

    Hi Nabajeet, PFB the screenshot of the output of the chart. I want that image should be the replacement of the bar. The shape of the bar should be something similar to the stick which is highlighted in the image. Can u plz help me on this asap. Thanks Gayathri
  5. Bar chart shape

    Hi Vaishalika, Thanks for your reply. After updating the fusion chart version im able to get that image. But im getting that bar also. PFB the screen shot of the output of the chart. Thanks
  6. Bar chart shape

    Hi Vishalika, Thanks for your response. But i checked with the dual bar chart its not working fine for me I attached the zip file using this annotations. Fusion Can u plz help me on this asap. Thanks
  7. Inversed Pyramid charts

    Hi I want to display the inversed pyramid chart. Is this possible in fusion chart.
  8. Inversed Pyramid charts

    Hi Vishalika, PFB the code for pyramid chart i used , <chart caption="Sample Pyramid Chart" canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBaseColor='FFFFFF' baseFontColor='000000' showBorder='1' bgColor='FFFFFF' bordercolor='000000' tooltextBorderColor='114B78' paletteColors='43D2DC,A9E2F3,B966B9' showvalues='1' showlabels='1' tooltextBgColor='A9E2F3' plotSpacePercent='50' showlegend='0'> <set label='Chennai' value='2.14' /> <set label='Bangalore' value='1.84' /> <set label='Kolkatta' value='1.67' /> <styles><definition><style type="font" name="CaptionFont" size="12" color="000000" bold="1" align="Center" /><style type="font" name="SubCaptionFont" bold="1" color="000000" align="Center" /></definition><application><apply toObject="caption" styles="CaptionFont" /><apply toObject="SubCaption" styles="SubCaptionFont" /></application></styles></chart> Kindly Check and tell me the response back asap, Thanks
  9. Inversed Pyramid charts

    Hi Swarnam, I tried giving paletteColors option like the below format, <chart .... paletteColors="#0075c2,#1aaf5d,#f2c500,#f45b00,#8e0000"...> But the colors are not getting reflected... Im not able to give the colors in <set> attribute as the values in set attribute are updated dymanically.. so can u please help on this asap. Thanks
  10. Inversed Pyramid charts

    Hi Vaishalika, I want to change the color using XML source, so if im trying to give color attribute its not working. I just gave the color attribute inside the chart properties similar to this, Color='000000,FDEC00,43D2DC' But still the color of the pyramid slices are not changed. Can u help on this ASAP... Thanks.
  11. Inversed Pyramid charts

    Hi I want to change the colors of the pyramid slices.. I tried using color attribute but its not reflecting.. can some one help on this asap
  12. Hi I want to add image in tool text for MScolumn3D fusion charts. Can some one help me in this issue. I tried to append something like this, retVal +="tooltext=\'City\:"+query_result.getValueAt(i, 3)+"\nFacility\ :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 2)+"\nFacility Type\ :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 5)+"\nDrinking Water Consumption :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 1)+"Litres"+"\nDate :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 0)+"\nDay :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 4)+"{imageurl}nav-arrow-down.png"+"\'"; Im getting this image path displayed in that tooltext instead of the image.
  13. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi Swarnam, Thanks for ur reply.. This is useful for me.. But still im confused how to pass the selected filter to that caption attribute. The links which u gave to refer has separate xml for changing the caption bt i will be having nly one xml where the chart caption needs to be the selected year in that filter... Please help me in this asap.
  14. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi I want to have the title of the fusion chart to be dynamic according to the value selected in filter.. For example i will be having the year filter if im selecting 2014 the chart title needs to be Data for 2014 if im changing to 2013 it needs to bt Data for 2013 Can any one help on that??
  15. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi I tried using the above mentioned code but also im getting error like , "Error Loading Data" But im getting the XML source correctly. It something similar to this, <set value='530000.00' tooltext='City:Chennai{br}Facility :CHN - Tidel Park{br}Facility Type :Multi Tenant{br}Drinking Water Consumption :530000.00Litres{br}Date :2014-03-14{br}Day :Friday{br}<img src="" />' /> And for your information im using javascript mode only. Please help me to solve this issue.
  16. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi No that's copying mistake sorry , i added that & gt tag also in my code.. retVal +="tooltext=\'City\:"+query_result.getValueAt(i, 3)+"\nFacility\ :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 2)+"\nFacility Type\ :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 5)+"\nDrinking Water Consumption :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 1)+"Litres"+"\nDate :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 0)+"\nDay :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 4)+"<img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg'/>"+"\'"; Please find below my xml source, <chart caption='Drinking Water Consumption (Litres)' canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBaseColor='FFFFFF' lineThickness='4.5' baseFontColor='000000' showBorder='1' bgColor='FFFFFF' bordercolor='000000' palette="2" animation="1" formatNumberScale="0" labelDisplay="Rotate" showValues="1" slantLabels='1' rotateValues='1' placeValuesInside='1' > <categories><category label='2014-03-14' /> <category label='2014-03-14' /> <category label='2014-03-14' /> <category label='2014-03-14' /> <category label='2014-03-14' /> <category label='2014-03-14' /> <category label='2014-03-07' /> <category label='2014-03-07' /> <category label='2014-03-07' /> <category label='2014-03-07' /> <category label='2014-03-07' /> <category label='2014-03-07' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> <category label='2014-02-28' /> </categories><dataset seriesname="Drinking Water Consumption" color="0099FF"><set value='530000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Tidel Park Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :530000.00Litres Date :2014-03-14 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Techno Campus Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-03-14 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='80000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - IITM Research Park Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :80000.00Litres Date :2014-03-14 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='1400000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Perungudi Facility Type :Leased Drinking Water Consumption :1400000.00Litres Date :2014-03-14 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='610000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - CCO Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :610000.00Litres Date :2014-03-14 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='4800000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Siruseri - SEZ Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :4800000.00Litres Date :2014-03-14 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='1400000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Perungudi Facility Type :Leased Drinking Water Consumption :1400000.00Litres Date :2014-03-07 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='6240000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Siruseri - SEZ Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :6240000.00Litres Date :2014-03-07 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Navalur Facility Type :Leased Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-03-07 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Techno Campus Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-03-07 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - DLF Infocity - SEZ Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-03-07 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='1060000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - ASV SunTech Park Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :1060000.00Litres Date :2014-03-07 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='18840000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - MEPZ - SEZ Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :18840000.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - DLF Infocity - SEZ Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Navalur Facility Type :Leased Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='5220000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Siruseri - SEZ Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :5220000.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='85000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - IITM Research Park Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :85000.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='1400000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Perungudi Facility Type :Leased Drinking Water Consumption :1400000.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='520000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Tidel Park Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :520000.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='0.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - Techno Campus Facility Type :Owned Drinking Water Consumption :0.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> <set value='610000.00'tooltext='City:Chennai Facility :CHN - CCO Facility Type :Multi Tenant Drinking Water Consumption :610000.00Litres Date :2014-02-28 Day :Friday <img src='http://recruitmentex...logo.jpg/>' /> </dataset><styles><definition><style type="font" name="CaptionFont" size="15" color="000000" bold="1" /><style type="font" name="SubCaptionFont" bold="1" color="000000" /></definition><application><apply toObject="caption" styles="CaptionFont" /><apply toObject="SubCaption" styles="SubCaptionFont" /></application></styles></chart> /> </dataset><styles><definition><style type="font" name="CaptionFont" size="15" color="000000" bold="1" /><style type="font" name="SubCaptionFont" bold="1" color="000000" /></definition><application><apply toObject="caption" styles="CaptionFont" /><apply toObject="SubCaption" styles="SubCaptionFont" /></application></styles></chart> But now also im getting an error like invalid data.. Please help me on this as soon as possible please.
  17. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi Sashibushan, Still now i m having that issue retVal +="tooltext=\'City\:"+query_result.getValueAt(i, 3)+"\nFacility\ :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 2)+"\nFacility Type\ :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 5)+"\nDrinking Water Consumption :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 1)+"Litres"+"\nDate :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 0)+"\nDay :" +query_result.getValueAt(i, 4)+"<img src='"+"\'"; I am getting an error like invalid data . Can plz help me on this..