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Everything posted by Vishalika

  1. Memory leaks

    Hi, Please try to dispose the chart and then render it again. It will reduce the memory leaks in comparison. You can refer this : A sample JSFiddle for the same: Hope this helps.
  2. Xml schema for version 3.8

    Hi, Using FusionCharts v3.8, the chart are rendered with the defined XML schema for all the chart types. You can refer it from this link, where the XML code window will show the sample: Hope this helps.
  3. msstackedcolumn2d - issue with X-axis labels

    Hi, Can you please share any JSFiddle link for the issue? Also, currently subcategories along X-axis the subcategories are not natively supported but can be created using Annotations. Awaiting response.
  4. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!!! It seems that you are using older version of FusionCharts. Please note we have stopped supporting the older version of FusionCharts having flash component. We would suggest you to please upgrade to the latest release and then test the issue and share your feedback. Refer this link for help: Also, check our extensions: Hope this helps.
  5. MSStackedColumn2DLineDY X axis scroll ?

    Hi, In MSStackedColumn2DLineDY scroll option is not available. The scrollable charts supported by FusionCharts can be referred here: Hope this helps.
  6. showXAxisLine => '0' (PHP) does not suppress x-axis

    Hi, The attribute "showXAxisLine" isnot supported for 3D charts. Also, please check this JSFiddle : and confirm your requirement. Awaiting response.
  7. msstackedcolumn2d - issue with X-axis labels

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. The legend comes twice as Travel since you have created that category for both the "Import" and "Export" option. You can differentiate by giving the category name as Export-Travel and Import-Travel. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi, As per the issue concerned, the following is the suggestion: "setChartAttribute" set attributes on top of the chart's existing data. Also, in case of "dataURL" methods, chart takes little extra time to load the data, as it fetch the data from the server. In our implementation, when we are setting the attributes, then the chart's original data are not loaded. That's why it is not working. Either use "dataLoaded" event to modify chart attributes or do not use ant "dataURL" method. Hope this helps.
  9. AngularGauge not showing

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. It seems that you are using older versions of FusionCharts having flash component. We have stopped supporting the same. Also, explore our latest ASP.NET wrapper: You can refer a sample implementation of the same: Hope this helps.
  10. MSStackedColumn2DLineDY X axis scroll ?

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Scroll bar is supported only for scroll charts. Refer this link: Hope this helps.
  11. DragLine chart : Labels overlapping issue

    Hi, Glad to know that it helped you. It can be taken as improvement. We cannot commit any timeline for this.
  12. Drill Down Using .Net Wrapper

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Implementing FusionCharts ASP.NET wrapper with drill down functionality with different chart types in different level of drill down is possible. You can refer this link for sample: Hope this helps.
  13. Annotation Macros

    Hi, Specifically, for Heat map chart no macros is defined. You can use the macros mentioned in the link shared. Also, if possible share the JSFiddle link for the chart you are facing the issue with. Will try to check and help you out. Awaiting response.
  14. Annotation Macros

    Hi, You can get the description of Annotations using macros in this link: For example, $dataset.0.set.2.x- means that the first dataset having second set of value Hope this helps
  15. Hi, Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite v3.8, released yesterday that will resolve your reported issue? To avail this licensed release, you would need to re-Download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center. PUC URL: To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.8, please visit the link: Hope this would resolve your issue.
  16. Hi, Yes, the behaviour is that when the combination chart consist of line, column then the line is shown at the front edge. When the value of column is greater and the line is shown at the inner edge when compared to the value of column is smaller for the same set of category. The 3D charts have canvas depth so this is the illusion. Hope this helps.
  17. Simple Chart in Wordpress

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. It seems that you are using older version of FusionCharts and its PHP wrapper. Please check and confirm with the latest version. Please refer the latest documentation for implementation: You can refer the following sample using XML: 1. Using Single series data: 2. Using Multiple series data: Hope this helps.
  18. Hi, Can you please elaborate the issue more? Also, please mention the version of FusionCharts. Awaiting response.
  19. Set Grid Transparent

    Hi, Can you please elaborate the issue more? Also, please mention the version of FusionCharts. Awaiting response.
  20. Hi, Apology for late response. The behaviour is due to the data value greater and smaller than the column value. The value at front edge and inner edge is shown as per the column 3d value greater or smaller. Hope this helps.
  21. Mulit-Level Drilldowns

    Hi, You can refer this documentation link for help: Also, a sample JSFiddle for the two level of Drill down is shared: Hope this helps.
  22. Hi, Glad that got it fixed. Happy FusionCharting!!!
  23. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. In the FusionCharts v3.7.1 shared code, it has not included the square bracket "[" in the category element, due to which the plot is not seen. Refer this link : Also, the data format for each chart type can be referred in this link: Hope this helps.
  24. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. The Y-axis label can be shifted towards the top of a chart using the Unicode sequence of No break space. (\u00A0) Refer this JSFiddle for the same: Hope this helps.