Ayan Bhadury

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Everything posted by Ayan Bhadury

  1. Drilldown in Angular2 version

    Please share us sample replicating the issue you are facing so that we could suggest you further.
  2. Issues with 'worldwithcountries' map

    Please check the modified sample - https://jsfiddle.net/0Lnosnmo/ For providing color based on range check this link - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/map-guide/colouring-based-on-data-range Also, note the map is by default shown with left aligned using margin attributes will shift all the chart elements along with it.
  3. Drilldown in Angular2 version

    Yes check this sample - https://plnkr.co/edit/Xp9BubqrOxXFVcogzN7Q?p=preview
  4. Issues with 'worldwithcountries' map

    Hi, I check the sample at my end using the latest version i.e 3.12.2 on Chrome browser and the Greenland entity is showing properly. Regarding changing the alignment of the chart please use margin attribute to change the position accordingly from here - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/maps/attribute-reference#map-padding--margins-10 Also for reference please check the sample fiddle- http://jsfiddle.net/0dbxa0g6/
  5. Candlestick Volume Issue

    Hi, Could you please elaborate with the help of this example where you want to remove the dollar sign - http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/Hcm78/
  6. Draw Custom Objects on Chart?

    Hi, In order to draw custom objects on your chart canvas you could use annotations feature of FusionCharts, please check this link for details - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/annotations#main-content-wrapper
  7. FusionCharts on React Native

    Greetings we have released FusionCharts React Native plugin please check from here - https://github.com/fusioncharts/react-native-fusioncharts
  8. Bar value overlapping with line dot

    In that case please set yAxisMaxValue attribute at the chart level accordingly this will fix the overlapping problem, also all the values for the column plot will show outside, here is a sample fiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/zw2h1q21/
  9. Hi, Please check the doc link for radar chart from here - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/radar-chart#creating-a-single-series-radar-chart based on your requirements you could also check FusionCharts multi-level pie chart for reference - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/multi-level-pie-chart#creating-a-simple-multi-level-pie-chart However please note the drag and drop feature for the above two charts is not possible as of now.
  10. Hi, The requirements you are looking for is not possible as of now, however, we are coming up with a new feature using which you would be able to showcase time-series data of candlestick charts, please note its still in initial development phase - https://www.fusioncharts.com/time-series/
  11. Bar value overlapping with line dot

    Hi, We checked the sample at our end, and the values are not overlapping at our end, please check the sample fiddle for reference - http://jsfiddle.net/s2o68mrr/1/
  12. Special Character degree

    Hi Apologies for the delayed response, I am looking into this I will get back to you shortly, appreciate your patience.
  13. Special Character degree

    Hi, Please try providing the Python's Unicode for degree or you could use javascript to change the caption using FusionCharts.items global properties, to know more check this link - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-properties.html#static-items
  14. Unknown text showing on chart render

    Could you please update the fiddle with your chart data source - http://jsfiddle.net/f3u6fdyy/1/, so that we could investigate it further.
  15. World Map chart Specification sheet

    Hi, Please check whether you have included all library files i.e. fusioncharts.js, fusioncharts.maps.js and fusioncharts.india.js and also try to load the chart modules first then load the data. If you are still facing the problem kindly share us a live URL replicating the problem.
  16. World Map chart Specification sheet

    Hi, Can you please share me a sample fiddle replicating the problem, so that I can have a look.
  17. Chart Limits Number Formating

    The x-axis is in percentage, please check this link for number formatting from here - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/basic-chart-configurations/number-format.html To know about the list of supported attributes for scatter chart click here - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes.html?chart=scatter
  18. Map Charts - USA Regions

    Hi, Could you please confirm whether you are looking a drill down chart from map to map ie on clicking a particular entity it will show the chart for that region, or you want to drill down to different chart type say coulmn2d on clicking a particular entity. Regarding showing 8 different regions on USA region map instead of 5 please drop a mail to [email protected] with a proper image and the entities properly marked so that we could assist
  19. World Map chart Specification sheet

    Hi, In order to show the data to your maps with the corresponding entity, you need to map it using FusionCharts predefined id for each entity, which is different for each map. To get the list of id for each map click here - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/maps/spec-sheets/france.html Also for reference please check the sample for reference - http://jsfiddle.net/tze78k99/
  20. Tooltext on zoom chart

    Hi, Zoomline, when showcased using compact mode form, will only show the value as the tooltip however in order to customize it you could provide the data format for multi-series chart and add a custom tool text at the data level. Please check the sample for reference - http://jsfiddle.net/22sbz8y6/
  21. how to use multiple charts in angular 4

    Hi, In order to create multiple charts on the page, you need to make multiple templates and configure the chart type and data source accordingly. Please check the sample for reference - https://plnkr.co/edit/yUQvZcsMvXCI6rRHRHDo?p=preview
  22. Chart Limits Number Formating

    Hi, Please refer the sample now - https://jsfiddle.net/A4kc2/69/
  23. Chart Limits Number Formating

    Thanks for replying back, from the above sample image, it seems like you are using scatter chart, I have created a sample for you where I have specified the x-axis limits on a scatter chart, please check the sample fiddle for reference - http://jsfiddle.net/A4kc2/66/
  24. How can we scale Y axis values

    Hi, Please check the sample fiddle you could provide the limits to the y-axis using yAxisMinValue and yAxisMaxValue accordingly - http://jsfiddle.net/beq5u8u4/ Kindly let me know if you are looking for any other requirement.