Ayan Bhadury

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Everything posted by Ayan Bhadury

  1. Change export menu button

    You are welcome.
  2. Change export menu button

    Hi, Unfortunately the export button can not be customized as text as of now, however you can export your chart using FusionCharts exportChart() api method which can be called on any javascript events and you can hide the export option button from the chart using exportShowMenuItem attribute at the chart level asn set its value as 0 Please refer this doc url - http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-methods.html#exportChart Also for further reference please check this sample fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/7czLkr0p/
  3. Spikes in stacked area chart (stack100Percent)

    Hi, Kindly, drop a mail to [email protected] with your order details and query so that we can assist you quickly regarding this matter. Please note, we have already started working on the issue, we will keep you posted with the updates.
  4. Spikes in stacked area chart (stack100Percent)

    Hi, Please check the response of your above query from here
  5. Spikes in stacked area chart (stack100Percent)

    Hi, We have forwarded your problem to the concerned team, we will get back with the updates shortly. Thank you for your patience.
  6. Hi, On investigating the problem I found that on both the version the x and y values of the rect element are in decimal, also the chart quality seems to be fine from my end, please check the image for details
  7. Legend wrap using themes, not with no theme

    Hi, Kindly set the width of the chart as 100%, this will fix your problem if you are using FusionCharts 3.11.3 Refer this sample fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/xv7mosc4/
  8. Hi, Kindly confirm where you want to show the image? Is it on the plots which have null values? please confirm
  9. Trim Upper Whisker in Box and Whisker plot

    Hi, The min,max,median all are calculated based on the value object, so according to you chart datasource if your data object has values which is more than the yaxismaxvalue that you have set it will automatically render the chart based on the data object values.
  10. Trim Upper Whisker in Box and Whisker plot

    Hi, Please share the chart datasource replicating the issue in a jsfiddle, so that I can check it properly. For reference please check this sample fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/qLvZF/
  11. Legend wrap using themes, not with no theme

    Hi, Thanks for replying back. Please check the image of a sample doughnut chart rendered in the latest version i.e. 3.12.1 and legends are showing up properly
  12. Please download and refer the sample from the attachment Fusioncharts_multiseriesline.zip
  13. Gantt Overlap Problem

    Good to know
  14. Legend wrap using themes, not with no theme

    Hi, Please upgrade to the latest version i.e. 3.12.1 and revert back if you are facing the same problem. Also, mention the browser and the os details on which the issue is getting replicated, so that I can check it further. For downloading the latest version refer here - http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/
  15. Usage of Variables as Chart Labels

    Good to know, that the problem was solved. Feel free to revert back if you are facing any problem.
  16. Gantt Overlap Problem

    Thanks for replying back. According to your requirement please use height and toppadding attribute at the task level and set the value in percentage, this will differentiate the two tasks for each process id. Please check this fiddle for reference - http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/24hkmdn2/
  17. Gantt Overlap Problem

    Hi, Thanks for replying back. On investigating, I found that you are generating the task object dynamically. Please confirm us the problems that you are facing, also the source code contains two arrays pessoas and count are not declared. For reference you check this examples - http://www.fusioncharts.com/javascript-chart-fiddles/?type=gantt-chart Also for details regarding gantt chart refer here - http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/gauge-and-widgets-guide/gantt-chart/introduction.html
  18. Gantt Overlap Problem

    Hi, Kindly elaborate your query with sample image or share the sample replicating the issue in JS fiddle, so that we can assist further.
  19. Hi, Thanks for sharing the information. It seems like the categories and the dataset object are not structured properly kindly check the implementation properly once. For reference you can take this example http://jsfiddle.net/8p4kjwjy/ Please note you to form a similar structure as in the above example, in order to render a multi series chart.
  20. Hi, Please let us know which chart you are trying to make and also check whether the data are in proper format for FusionCharts or not, also check in the ide console that you are able to fetch the value. If you are still facing problem kindly share the screenshot or a dummy sample with us replicating the problem you are facing.
  21. Hi, Kindly elaborate your query, if you want the chart to be drawn at the center of your canvas the axis needs to be modified automatically when a legend is disabled, FusionCharts offers transposeAxis attribute at the chart level which when set to 1 will compute the axes limit with respect to maximum and minimum value of the visible dataset(s).
  22. Drag Node OSX vs Windows

    Hi, Can you please send us all the files in a project or replicate the problem in a js fiddle and share us the url so that we can check it properly at our end. Also, please let us know which version of FusionCharts you are currently using.
  23. How to change menu export

  24. How to change menu export

    Hi, In order to change the position export option menu button kindly upgrade to the latest version i.e. 3.12.1 and use this attribute toolbarhalign at the chart level and set its value to left it will change the position of the export button. Please check the sample fiddle for reference - http://jsfiddle.net/2bpxwdn3/
  25. Hi, https://www.dropbox.com/s/igei6jr3mto0amu/stacked-bar-db.zip?dl=0 Please download the sample of stacked-bar chart from the given dropbox link.