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Found 3 results

  1. I was wondering if there is an attribute of the Drag Node Chart that allows for automatic positioning and layout of the nodes? I do not see an attribute on the following link: We are trying to create a chart with dozens to hundreds of nodes but there is no predefined format since the dataset size is dynamic
  2. getJSONData

    Hello, I'm trying to use the function getJSONData to get updated informations. The data that i'm getting are not updated. dataplotClickHandler(eventObj, dataObj) { => { console.log(this.chartObj.getJSONData()); }); } Attached the issue. Thank you.
  3. GetXMLData Bug

    I use DragNode chart I use Add a Connector Button new Add one <connector > use getXMLData() But can not get the new Connecor xml div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts("DragNode", "NodeChart", "900", "650", "1" ); myChart.setDataXML('<chart viewmode="0" is3d="1" isTrendZone="1" yaxismaxvalue="100" yaxisminvalue="0" xaxismaxvalue="100" xaxisminvalue="0" basefontsize="13" showformbtn="0" palette="2" ><categories></categories><dataset seriesname="DS1" id="1"><set id="2" color="AFD8F8" tooltext="A" shape="CIRCLE" radius="50" name="名称[你的指标名称]" y="74.9794975727011" x="8.297607952780387" /><set x="26.911463187325253" y="69.24942263279446" id="3" datasetid="1" name="中国" tooltext="" color="" alpha="18" labelalign="middle" allowdrag="1" shape="polygon" width="" height="" radius="12" numsides="23" imagenode="0" imagewidth="" imageheight="" imageurl="" link=""></set><set x="36.71947809878844" y="69.9769053117783" id="5" datasetid="1" name="我的" tooltext="" color="" alpha="" labelalign="bottom" allowdrag="1" shape="rectangle" width="100" height="10" radius="" numsides="" imagenode="0" imagewidth="" imageheight="" imageurl="" link=""></set></dataset><labels /><connectors/></chart>'); myChart.render("chartContainer"); // --> function btnclick() { alert("a"); var ourChart = FusionCharts("NodeChart"); var xmlRtn = ourChart.getXMLData(); // no Get new Connecor xml alert(xmlRtn); } </script> <input type="button" onclick="btnclick()" />