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Found 3 results

  1. Sum values of stackedbar2d not centered

    Hi all, I have noticed a pro blem that occurs in stackedbar2d graph. The values that are showed by "showSum" property are not aligned at middle (vertically) like below. I know that I can use annotations for this sum too but it could be centered with the native option directly. Have a nice day, Sébastien
  2. Hi, I would like to create labels on pie charts that correspond to the color of their slice. So if the slice is blue, the font should be blue. This will allow me to not have to show the lines that connect the label to the pie. Is this possible? Right now I see that I can only apply one color to a set of labels.
  3. Hi, When I try to align the caption in a chart, it works fine in flash, but in javascript, the alignment does not get applied and it is always centered. Is there some other parameter I need? Here's an example: -<graph enableRotation="1" showValues="1" smartLabelClearance="" enableSmartlabels="1" pieRadius="" plotFillAlpha="100" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" imageSave="1" showBorder="0" chartBottomMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartLeftMargin="" numberPrefix="" showLabels="1" bgColor="ffffff" Caption="Sales By Category" animation="1" showFCMenuItem="0" unescapeLinks="0">-<styles>-<definition><style type="font" bold="0" color="5b5b5b" size="15" font="Helvetica" name="DataLabelsFontStyle"/><style type="font" bold="1" color="5b5b5b" size="24" font="Helvetica" name="CAPTIONFontStyle" align="left"/></definition>-<application><apply styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" toObject="DataLabels"/><apply styles="CAPTIONFontStyle" toObject="CAPTION"/></application></styles><set color="00558e" name="Beverages" hoverText="" value="103924.3100"/><set color="e54c25" name="Condiments" hoverText="" value="55368.6000"/><set color="84986b" name="Confections" hoverText="" value="82657.7300"/><set color="8f72aa" name="Dairy Products" hoverText="" value="115387.6500"/><set color="e59138" name="Grains/Cereals" hoverText="" value="56871.8200"/><set color="00558e" name="Meat/Poultry" hoverText="" value="80975.1200"/><set color="e54c25" name="Produce" hoverText="" value="54940.7600"/><set color="84986b" name="Seafood" hoverText="" value="66959.2100"/></graph>