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Found 1 result

  1. In our charts we have a single style that applies to a lot of labels on the chart (which include YAXISVALUES and DATALABELS). However for some reason the bold property does not apply on yAxis data labels. The chart we are using is the column 2D chart. The styling XML is as follows : <styles> <definition> <style name='connexica' type='font' color='000000' bgColor='ffffff' font='Arial' size='10' bold='1' italic='1'/> <style name='displayValues' type='font' font='Arial' size='10' color='AAFF00' bold='1' italic='1'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='BACKGROUND' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='CANVAS' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='CAPTION' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='DATAPLOT' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='DIVLINES' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='HGRID' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='SUBCAPTION' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='TRENDLINES' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='TRENDVALUES' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='VLINES' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='XAXISNAME' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='YAXISNAME' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='connexica'/ ><apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='SCROLLPANE' styles='connexica'/> <apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='connexica'/> </application> </styles> Can you confirm if this is a bug or if there is a solution to this problem? Regards Thomas Pooler (Connexica)