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Hello!My problem is that the chart displays the values ​​of "NAN", when all data are zero.

Can we do something about etiu problem.

Developers, many thanks. I love the simplicity and beauty of your product!

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts.


Could you please confirm the FusionCharts version you are using?


Please send us the XML code to look into the issue.


Awaiting for your response.

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First of all, thanks for reply.

FusionCharts version is last, as I think - I'm download it from "Download page".


<graph caption="Distribution postal objects by type" xAxisName="types of object" yAxisName="" decimalPrecision="0" formatNumberScale="0">
<set name="1" value="0" color="AFD8F8" />
<set name="2" value="0" color="F6BD0F" />
<set name="3" value="0" color="8BBA00" />
<set name="4" value="0" color="FF8E46" />
<set name="5" value="0" color="008E8E" />
<set name="6" value="0" color="D64646" />
<set name="7" value="0" color="8E468E" />
<set name="8" value="0" color="588526" />

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


Please find the modified XML code below:


<graph caption="Distribution postal objects by type" xAxisName="types of object" yAxisName="" decimalPrecision="1" yaxisMinValue="0" yaxisMaxValue="1" formatNumberScale="0" showValues="0">
<set name="1" value="0" color="AFD8F8" />
<set name="2" value="0" color="F6BD0F" />
<set name="3" value="0" color="8BBA00" />
<set name="4" value="0" color="FF8E46" />
<set name="5" value="0" color="008E8E" />
<set name="6" value="0" color="D64646" />
<set name="7" value="0" color="8E468E" />
<set name="8" value="0" color="588526" /></graph> 



Hope this

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