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Export Chart To Image

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I've been trying to set up exporting several charges to images for use in PDF reports. I've been working on it for countless hours and am still having issues even displaying the option to export it when I right click on the chart itself. I've gone through all documentation I can find but nothing seems to work. Shouldn't it just be as simple as exportEnabled='1'?


Thanks in advance!

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Actually, that doesn't seem to be my issue. I'm going through the samples given in the package and I keep getting the issue "chart.isrendered()" and "chart.exportChart() is not a function". Where should these functions be stored?

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Hmm, I changed the chart I was using and it works fine now. I think I have an old and new version of the charts. Would there be any problems if I were to update with all the new charts? Is everything backwards compatible?



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Guest Angshu



Glad to know that you have managed to resolve your problem.


All the features of FusionCharts v3.2 are backward compatible with FusionCharts v3.1. Hence, upgrade is as easy as copy-pasting files.


More details at: http://www.fusioncha...pgrading32.html


Hope this helps.

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Now that I understand the export I have another question. More of an issue:


I am currently exporting to server and it is working very smoothly for me. However, in IE (7 & 8) it does not seem to hit the callback handler. It exports the chart, saves it to my server but never comes back to the browser which is stopping further functionality within the site. I have tried to debug the issue but have not been successful. If you have any suggestions or further knowledge on similar issues I would really appreciate it.





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Hi all!

I have some problem when I trying repeat example "Saving to server disk" from online help.

I'm using ASP.Net C# and default settings.

     <script type="JavaScript" src="~/Scripts/FusionCharts.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
         //Callback handler method which is invoked after the chart has saved image on server.
         function FC_Exported(objRtn) {
             if (objRtn.statusCode == "1") {
                 alert("The chart was successfully saved on server. The file can be accessed from " + objRtn.fileName);
             } else {
                 alert("The chart could not be saved on server. There was an error. Description : " + objRtn.statusMessage);
 <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
	<div id="chartdiv" align="center">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.</div>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		// Create the chart. Make sure registerWithJS is set to 1, else callback cannot happen.
		var myChart = new FusionCharts("~/FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1");


xml file:

<chart yAxisName='Sales Figure' caption='Top 5 Sales Person' numberPrefix=' useRoundEdges='1' 
  	bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF' showBorder='0' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='FCExporter.aspx.cs' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' >
   <set label='Alex' value='25000'  />
   <set label='Mark' value='35000' />
   <set label='David' value='42300' />
   <set label='Graham' value='35300' />
   <set label='John' value='31300' />



FCExporter.aspx.cs file as in example.

But I don't see chart .


Where I'm wrong.

Thanks for help.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


When running the server-side examples,please make sure that you've copied-pasted the relevant export handlers (server-side) to your server.


Next, in example XML, provide the path to that handler and then try again.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your post.


When running the server-side examples,please make sure that you've copied-pasted the relevant export handlers (server-side) to your server.


Next, in example XML, provide the path to that handler and then try again.


Hope this helps.


Who is that in reply to? I am still having issues in IE and it is slowing down productivity for my clients. It is working perfectly in every other browser and the chart is appearing on the server but js never gets a response. Your help is much appreciated.



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Guest Angshu

Hi Lisa,


Thanks for your post,


Could you please send us a scaled down sample to look into the issue?


Awaiting for your response.

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Guest Angshu



We are not able to find any attachment.


Please send the same once again.


Awaiting for your response.

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Has there been any development on this? When I try to debug, I see that it just loops through several jquery files infinitely.These files are 3rd party standard files so I can't really go much further. The issue is happening in Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9.




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I'm sure the example I have given won't be much help as the chart is created very complicatedly. However, the javascript is almost exactly as it is in the examples and I have made very very few changes to the exporter.aspx file. The only difference between what I'm doing and your examples for .NET is that I use


String chart = FusionCharts.RenderChart(chartSWF, strURL, strXML, chartId, chartWidth, chartHeight, debugMode, registerWithJS)
divChart.InnerHtml = chart; 

in the back end





instead of




 var myChart = new FusionCharts(chartSWF, chartId, chartWidth, chartHeight, debugMode, registerWithJS);


with javascript. It works fine in all browsers except IE 7,8 and 9. The chart renders in all browsers and exports it to disc. There is just no callback function reached (function FC_Exported(objRtn)) in any Internet Explorers. It seems to hit a snag somewhere after storing the image and before returning something to the browser. This is something I am having difficulty debugging. Please help, this is an important matter.


Many thanks,


Edited by lisa_dev

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So after a lot of testing, I discovered that the FC_Exported function is not hit through HTTPS but it is through HTTP. I'm assuming from a lack of response that no one else was able to recreate my issue??


Running the site through HTTP is not an option and my work around is very unstable. I would really appreciate some input/advice on this issue.




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I have similar issue. In my server callback function FC_Exported is not fired once the image is saved in the respective folder. I have HTTP URL.



Please help me on this as iam unable to understand the cause.  


I have already given the absolute url in exportHandler.

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Guest Sashibhusan



Please find the attached sample (using FusionCharts XT v3.3.0 Evaluation files), which exports Flash chart to server using PHP and "FC_Exported()" will be called after successful exporting of chart image/PDF.


Could you please verify and let us know your valuable feedback?


Please note that, before running this sample at your end, you would need to modify the HTTP mapping relative path in "index.php" file and in "exportHandler" attribute in chart XML, as per your server configuration.


Hope this helps!


Awaiting your response.

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