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Problem With Query And $Strxml

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The first occurrence of the query that extracts data from the database is not reflected in the variable $ strXML, so that the first data is not plotted in the final graph.


For example, im using a query like this SELECT id_fecha, id_tot FROM `datos` WHERE id_prod = 'ATM' AND id_ambt = 'TODO' AND id_fecha BETWEEN 20110701 AND 20110705


And the result is as follows


id_fecha id_tot

20110701 1760505

20110702 1225085

20110703 784253

20110704 993528

20110705 913237


But the $strXM gets this data:


"<chart caption='Producto AyP' subcaption='TODO' xAxisName='Fecha' yAxisName='Millones de Transacciones' showValues='1' labelStep='2' >

<set label='20110702' value='4806114' /> <set label='20110703' value='3877384' /> <set label='20110704' value='3762584' /> <set label='20110705' value='3688447' /></chart>"



So how i can fix this problem. I hope that you can help me.


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Have you been able to review this problem?


The first occurrence of the query that extracts data from the database is not reflected in the variable $ strXML, so that the first data is not plotted in the final graph.


For example, im using a query like this SELECT id_fecha, id_tot FROM `datos` WHERE id_prod = 'ATM' AND id_ambt = 'TODO' AND id_fecha BETWEEN 20110701 AND 20110705


And the result is as follows


id_fecha id_tot

20110701 1760505

20110702 1225085

20110703 784253

20110704 993528

20110705 913237


But the $strXM gets this data:


"<chart caption='Producto AyP' subcaption='TODO' xAxisName='Fecha' yAxisName='Millones de Transacciones' showValues='1' labelStep='2' >

<set label='20110702' value='4806114' /> <set label='20110703' value='3877384' /> <set label='20110704' value='3762584' /> <set label='20110705' value='3688447' /></chart>"



So how i can fix this problem. I hope that you can help me.

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Guest Angshu



Could you please send us the entire code to look into the issue?


Awaiting for your response.

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Hi Angshu,


Im sending you the entire code and the data that contain in the $Strxml.




Added to this, I have another problem with the feature VLine LinePosition, because in the last plotted data do not show me the line that is set by this parameter.


Attached is the graph of execution.


Thanks Angshu.


Awaiting for your answer.





Could you please send us the entire code to look into the issue?


Awaiting for your response.


view-source localhost JAP pages graphT1.php.htm




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Have you been able to review this problem?


Hi Angshu,


Im sending you the entire code and the data that contain in the $Strxml.




Added to this, I have another problem with the feature VLine LinePosition, because in the last plotted data do not show me the line that is set by this parameter.


Attached is the graph of execution.


Thanks Angshu.


Awaiting for your answer.




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Guest Angshu



Could you please send us the generated XML code to look into the issue?


The XML code can be available from your browser view-source menu.


Awaiting for your response.

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Could you please send us the generated XML code to look into the issue?


The XML code can be available from your browser view-source menu.


Awaiting for your response.





Here it is, thanks



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>GRAFINCANDO</title> <link href="../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../charts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </head><body> <center> <div class="PROSA"> <div id="PROSA"> <!-- START Code Block for Chart PROSATBPS --><div id="PROSATBPSDiv"> Chart </div><script type="text/javascript" ><!-- // Instantiate the Chart var chart_PROSATBPS = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "../charts/Spline.swf", "width" : "1000", "height" : "650", "renderAt" : "PROSATBPSDiv", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "PROSATBPS", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataSource" : "<chart outCnvBaseFont='Verdana' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' outCnvBaseFontColor='000000' caption='Producto: ATM' subcaption='Ambiente: NACIONAL' xAxisName='Fecha' yAxisName='Millones de Transacciones' bgColor='424850,FFFFFF' bgAlpha='15' showBorder='0' showValues='1' labelStep='2' canvasBorderThickness='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' setAdaptiveYMin='1' canvasPadding='10' formatNumberScale='0' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataMenuItemLabel='Copiar los datos de este grafico'><set label='Sun 02-10-2011' value='851715' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Mon 03-10-2011' value='1078058' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Tue 04-10-2011' value='935595' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Wed 05-10-2011' value='924996' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Thu 06-10-2011' value='1014381' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Fri 07-10-2011' value='1321165' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sat 08-10-2011' value='1036408' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sun 09-10-2011' value='675686' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Mon 10-10-2011' value='880419' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Tue 11-10-2011' value='805226' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Wed 12-10-2011' value='836432' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Thu 13-10-2011' value='1108270' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Fri 14-10-2011' value='1799021' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sat 15-10-2011' value='1370792' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/><set label='Sun 16-10-2011' value='815528' /> <vLine linePosition='0'/></chart>" } ).render();// --></script><!-- END Script Block for Chart PROSATBPS --> </div> </div> </center></body></html>


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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, we are unable to replicate the issue,as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.


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