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Chart Does Not Fill Up The Cell

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Guest Angshu


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


When you set percent size to a chart, it tries to get the width/height of its parent container. It seems that the container where you are rendering the chart is not set with a proper height when the chart is rendered into it.


For example, if you have a container <div id="chartContainer"> and this DIV is not set with an absolute or relative height, the DIV's height will be zero. When a chart is rendered in this DIV with 100% height, the chart would try to derive the height of the parent DIV which is zero. The chart would render zero pixel as height. Please try once setting absolute height to the chart or the constrainer element and check.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Ansu,


the strange part is that the chart will scale with the width specified in % like 200% without me specifiying the width of the DIV.

It only the height that doesnt seems to work which leads me to think that it could be a bug?


sincerely hope that you can look further into this matter.





Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


When you set percent size to a chart, it tries to get the width/height of its parent container. It seems that the container where you are rendering the chart is not set with a proper height when the chart is rendered into it.


For example, if you have a container <div id="chartContainer"> and this DIV is not set with an absolute or relative height, the DIV's height will be zero. When a chart is rendered in this DIV with 100% height, the chart would try to derive the height of the parent DIV which is zero. The chart would render zero pixel as height. Please try once setting absolute height to the chart or the constrainer element and check.

Hope this helps.

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