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Can Not Run .aspx File Manually Using ../wwwroot Directory

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I'm using VS2010 with vb to create an .aspx page to run Fusionchart plottig data from Database. When I ran the project with .aspx file using VS studio,it is working fine.

When try to run '.aspx' from from ..\wwwroot directory using IE browser, I am getting 'Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'InfoSoftGlobal' is not declared'.

Just to inform you that I keep the .aspx,.aspx.vb and web.config files in ...\wwwroot directory and try to run the page from IE browser like 'http:// [local machine ip address]/[page name.aspx]'

fyi, my IIS has 2.0 but for VS2010 it is using 4.0.


InfosoftGlobal is declared as name in vb code and FusionChart.dll is also in bin folder. NOT SURE WHAT IS CAUSING THIS.


Please let me the know the root cause or solution on how to fix.


Attached is the error I am getting.



Compilation Error.doc

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


This seems to be an issue with the present dll file you are using.


Please find the latest dll files attached for your reference, The attached file (FusionChartsDLL3221.txt) should be renamed to after download.


You would need to use the DLL from VB_NET\Bin folder from the attached zip.


Please note that this file is a new version and if you are using GAC to refer to the DLL, you would need to update GAC with the new file as well update the .NET project with new reference to this version.


Hope this helps.


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Hello! Angshu,


As per your instruction, I've added your given FusionCharts.dll in my .net project's -> \bin folder. And FusionChart.xml in this folder and created another folder,called src in the project and added FusionChart.vb file. Not sure whether we needed FusionChart.xml and FusionChart.vb in a .net project for any asp .net Fusion Chart to create.


I'm not sure in which GAC folder or file, I need to add new dll file? fyi, in my local machine IIS webserver it is ver 2.0(as you can see in Compilation Error screen shot) but for my VS 2010 it is using ASP .net ver 4.0.


Please provide me more detail information on how my below issue can be resolved?








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First, clear all references to FusionCharts.dll from your project.



You are required to do one of the following:


1. Keep FusionCharts.dll in Bin folder. Remove, FusionCharts.vb from src folder or exclude the file from project


2. Copy-paste FusionCharts.dll in C:\Windows\Assembly to put the assembly in GAC. Add FusionCharts assembly as a reference to the Project

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