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XML Issue FussionChartsIS

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i'm working with the FCIS 2.3v, when i try to load this xml code i can see the dataset on the chart but the chart not draw the trendlines... any help?

<chart showShadow='1' shadowColor='999999' shadowAlpha='20' shadowXShift='5' showAlternateVGridColor='1' alternateVGridColor='336699' alternateVGridAlpha='5' 
shadowYShift='5' connectNullData='1' lineDashGap='6' bgColor='f8f8f8' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='000000' canvasBgColor='f8f8f8' yAxisMaxValue='40' 
hovercapbg='FFECAA' hovercapborder='F47E00' formatNumberScale='1' decimalPrecision='2' divLineDecimalPrecision='0' limitsDecimalPrecision='0' numdivlines='5' 
numVDivLines='40' numDisplaySets='150' divLineColor='cccccc' vDivLineColor='cccccc' chartLeftMargin='0' chartRighttMargin='0' baseFontColor='000000' numberSuffix='%B0' 
rotateNames='1' hoverCapBgColor='f8f8f8' hoverCapBorderColor='cccccc' baseFontSize='9' zeroPlaneShowBorder='0' refreshInterval='0' showAnchors='1' anchorAlpha='100' 
   <category name='00:57'/>
  <dataset seriesName='S1' color='0000B0' anchorBorderColor='0000B0' anchorBgColor='0000B0' showValues='0'>
   <set value='-10.00'/>
  <dataset seriesName='S2' color='F1683C' anchorBorderColor='F1683C' anchorBgColor='F1683C' showValues='0'>
   <set value='0.00'/>
  <dataset seriesName='S3' color='2AD62A' anchorBorderColor='2AD62A' anchorBgColor='2AD62A' showValues='0'>
   <set value='10.00'/>
  <dataset seriesName='S4' color='DBDC25' anchorBorderColor='DBDC25' anchorBgColor='DBDC25' showValues='0'>
   <set value='20.00'/>
   <line startValue='12.00' endValue='-20.00' isTrendZone='1' alpha='20' color='FF0000' valueOnRight='1' showOnTop='0' displayvalue='[T1 - test]' thickness='2' />
   <line startValue='12.00' endValue='-20.00' isTrendZone='1' alpha='20' color='FF0000' valueOnRight='1' showOnTop='0' displayvalue='[T3 - test]' thickness='2' />


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i've solved my question... the trendlines will not to be draw if the trendline lower value it's lower than the lowest dataset value... i guess you understand what i wrote...

It's normal? i think no... the trendline should be drawn... it's a bug? i think yes...

Any help?

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In this case, you can force your y-axis min and max value to show all trendlines. Set the min value to a value <= lowest trendline.

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