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Empty Javasciript Pie Charts Throw Javascript Error

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Noticed this in SR3 of Fusion Charts XT


Error is:


Cannot read property 'pieYScale' of undefined

Method: spaceManager


pieYScale = series.pieYScale


series is null, which needs to be handled in other places as well.



It is disappointing to see errors like this in a production release.

Edited by rvats

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Guest Sumedh



Could you please elaborate your issue? a bit more?


Also, can you paste the relevant sample code and XML here?


Awaiting your response.

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Could you please elaborate your issue? a bit more?


Also, can you paste the relevant sample code and XML here?


Awaiting your response.


I don't get any errors but I noticed a change in behavior from SR2 to SR3 for empty pie charts.


My data:

Full of data points with value = 0.


In SR2:

I would get a single line in Pie chart with all the datapoints pointing to it with the tooltip Value=0.


In SR3:

I just get a blank space. There's nothing to indicate that the chart even rendered.



I'm not sure if this is a bug in SR3 or not but handling a data set with all Values=0 should not just give a blank space (no legend, no graph, nothing is there).

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Guest Sumedh



The chart will not render until and unless, if actual value is not passed to the chart, other than "0".


If you pass all the data with "0" values, chart will not be be able compare between the values.


Hence, the chart with "0" values will not be displayed.


Hope this helps.

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The chart will not render until and unless, if actual value is not passed to the chart, other than "0".


If you pass all the data with "0" values, chart will not be be able compare between the values.


Hence, the chart with "0" values will not be displayed.


Hope this helps.



Is there some way that the chart supports of showing a message when it detects all the values are 0? Right now, if you feed no values into the graph, it displays "No data to display". If you give it values = 0, it just shows up as empty space. This seems very inconsistent.

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Guest Sumedh



For this, you would need to write your own logic to generate "No data to display" message, if you are passing all the set elements as "0" to the Pie Chart.


Hope this helps.

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Could you please elaborate your issue? a bit more?


Also, can you paste the relevant sample code and XML here?


Awaiting your response.



The issue is described in the title of the post: "Empty Javasciript Pie Charts Throw Javascript Error"


If you try and render an empty javascript pie chart, a javascript error is thrown, and the message "No data to display" is not displayed. Instead, and empty chart is displayed.

This does not happen on flash charts.


Below is the XML generated in our application, but you can reproduce the issue using <chart></chart>:

<chart bgColor='DDDDDD,FFFFFF' bgAlpha='100' useRoundEdges='1' palette='1' showLegend='1' legendPosition='BOTTOM'  exportEnabled='1' exportShowMenuItem='0' exportHandler='fcExporter' animation='1' exportAtClient='1' unescapeLinks='0'></chart>

Edited by rvats

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Guest Sumedh


The issue is described in the title of the post: "Empty Javasciript Pie Charts Throw Javascript Error"


If you try and render an empty javascript pie chart, a javascript error is thrown, and the message "No data to display" is not displayed. Instead, and empty chart is displayed.

This does not happen on flash charts.


Below is the XML generated in our application, but you can reproduce the issue using <chart></chart>:

<chart bgColor='DDDDDD,FFFFFF' bgAlpha='100' useRoundEdges='1' palette='1' showLegend='1' legendPosition='BOTTOM'  exportEnabled='1' exportShowMenuItem='0' exportHandler='fcExporter' animation='1' exportAtClient='1' unescapeLinks='0'></chart>




Apologies for the delay.


This issue has been fixed now.


The fix would be available in upcoming release.


Thanks for your time.

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